Just figured out a new way to fast copy inline code.
Save this code into a md file and use it as Templater Plugin’s template:
// 2024.06.05 增加了对行内代码 inline code 的兼容
function getInlineCode(str, cursor){
let start = str.lastIndexOf('`', cursor - 1);
let end = str.indexOf('`', cursor);
if (start === -1 || end === -1) {
return null;
return str.substring(start + 1, end);
async function linkHeading() {
const curView = app.workspace.activeLeaf.view;
const curFile = curView.file;
const curEditor = curView.editor;
const curLine = curEditor.getLine(curEditor.getCursor().line);
if (!curLine.startsWith('#') || !curLine.includes('# ')) {
if (!curLine.includes("`")) {
new Notice("当前光标处没有标题");
} else {
const curCh = curEditor.getCursor().ch;
let inlineCode = getInlineCode(curLine, curCh)
if (inlineCode) {
new Notice("Inline Code Copied!");
let selectedHeading = curLine.replace(/#+ /, "#")
const filename = curFile.name;
let linkAlias = selectedHeading.replace(/# ?/, "")
let headingReferenceLink = `[[${filename}${selectedHeading}|${linkAlias}]]`
new Notice("Heading Copied!");
await linkHeading();
Then just call this TP with cursor inside Inline code.
I use Commander Plugin to add this TP command into Right Mouse Menu, but you can choose whatever way you like ; )
(Initially it’s used to easily copy Heading, just add the new function to be capable to copy inline code, too)