It sounds like you’ve got it sorted out, but for completeness sake:
Courtesy of Nick Milo (from Discord):
Linking two tabs together with two different view modes. The built-in Link with tab… will only link the same note. The Markdown Sync Scroll plugin allows you to link two different notes. It’s handy for translations, two versions of the same note, etc.
Minimal theme settings and AnuPpuccin (using Style Settings) let you change the editor font as you’ve tried out. There may be a few other themes as well. I do it using a CSS snippet that works regardless of theme (at least in the ones I’ve tried).
/* source mode font */
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6:not(.is-live-preview) .cm-scroller {
font-family: 'JetBrains Mono'; }
/* live preview mode font */
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6:is(.is-live-preview) .cm-scroller {
font-family: 'Victor Mono'; }
/* rendered & reading view font */
.markdown-preview-view, .markdown-rendered {
font-family: 'Iosevka-Comfy-Duo' }