Shortcut and/or button to toggle readable line length

I sometimes add pages with wide tables that are best viewed with “readable line length” disabled. It would be useful if I didn’t have to go to settings to toggle it.


+1 for this :slight_smile:

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+1 again. This should be easy to add, and very useful.


yeah this would be excellent I described my need for it in this thread too

+1 for this again. Please do this.

+1 +1 much needed

+1, would love this!

+1, been wanting something like specifically for reading code snippets

+1 for this. Would be super useful to easily toggle depending on the notes.

+1 for me too!

+1 for me as well, please!

Hotkeys++ plugin has it!! GitHub - argenos/hotkeysplus-obsidian: Adds hotkeys to toggle todos, ordered/unordered lists and blockquotes in Obsidian


“Smarter Markdown Hotkeys” plugin adds in Obsidian Hotkeys window the option “Toggle Readable Line Length”…

and much more hotkeys…


+1 for this. We would like it available natively please :slight_smile:

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For better table editing they already introduced GUI-table-editing. For viewing code there is this file-based readable line length customization.

I am very glad that editing tables is natively easier now.

However, I still can’t see all of my table without scrolling horizontally. I use tables mainly for weekly/monthly calendars, but simply having 8-9 columns for the names of the weekdays doesn’t even fit without scrolling, much less with any content longer than the shorter day names like “Friday.”

It’s just annoying to have 2" of extra space around a table that makes me scroll to see what’s going on this weekend, and then have to scroll back to see what time that would be.

Plus, I like to embed those notes on my “Hello” canvas so I can see schedule, meal planning, etc. at a glance, together. Scrolling is defies the objective of “at a glance.”

So perhaps, I’d rather have an option to disable readable line length for entire folders. Then, I could set all of my calendars to look right with one fell swoop - and not have to worry about toggling.

Do I need to make a separate feature request for this variant of a solution to the same problem?

Hi @JVSKGardening . Your idea for folder‑based readable line length setting is good — however other settings as well could be tied to different folders. This could be a feature in Workspaces. See my comment in other thread:

You could also use xlsx. file links inside your notes. When clicked you would be directed to Excel etc. Creating file‑links is documented at Internal links - Obsidian Help. You can also create file:/// links that doesn’t import the file to your vault. Creating file:/// links is documented in Drag and drop - Obsidian Help. By default Obsidian doesn’t support all file extensions but you can toggle
Settings →Files and links → Detect all file extensions

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Use case or problem

I make heavy use of tables thanks to the amazing community plugin “Advanced Tables”

I find myself having to turn off

settings > Editor > “Readable line lenght”

many times a day, for editing tables with more space.

But for notes where I don’t edit tables I like keeping “Readable line lenght” on.

Proposed solution

What I’d like to ask it to be able to toggle this function on and off, from hotkeys.

I make heavy use of hotkeys and vim mode. And even thought the settings for Readable line lenght can be quickly accessed, it is still not as comfortable having to use the mouse every time for it.

Would really appreaciate being able to map a hotkey to it.

Thanks a lot!

PS: I couldn’t find other mentions of this request, feel free to let me know if this already exists somewhere, thanks!


That exact thing, for editing tables, was on my list of things to file. Thanks.


awesome, happy to know I’m not the only one @elmsfeuer