Seeking info on the floating button at the bottom of the Obsidian window

Things I have tried

  1. Searched Help: ‘Apple command button’; ‘command button’; ‘iOS app command button’
  2. Searched forum
  3. Searched web

What I’m trying to do

  1. Understand the name, function, and usage of the floating icon with the Apple Command symbol.
  2. Stop this icon from obscuring buttons on the left side of the iOS app interface.

Main issue: In the iOS Obsidian app, the floating Command button renders justified (stretched) across the entire bottom of the interface. It overlays and obscures some useful buttons on the left margin.
When clicked, the Command icon spins. I’ve not been able to find info on its purpose, how to use it, or how to get it to render properly in Obsidian iOS apps (iPad and iPhone).

Anyone else seeing this issue with the Obsidian iOS app?

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