Search tags/path in search pane with autocomplete disappears immediately after typing

+1 to this feature request.


This is a rather huge thing when you organize everything by tags and one the few things i really miss in Obsidan.

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Use case or problem

Find that the built-in method to “Search” requires you to type “Tag:” Then a drop down box appears with your entire list of tags. This might be fine for a small list but when you are dealing with 100’s then this is impossible to navigate.

If you cannot find it in the list, then you need to remember the full tag “full-tag-name” otherwise the search won’t filter it if it isn’t exactly as written

The search box allowing for Tag searching

Example of the auto complete dropdown box with tags

Example of searching for keyword “linux” tag

Example of needing to remember full tag name for search to work

Proposed solution

Would like to have fuzzy searching similar to how the software functions right now when adding a new tag. When you hit the “#” and start typing, the fuzzy search shows related options immediately. If the search functioned like this then I’d be much better at being able to narrow down your specific topics you want without having to remember what you exactly named the tag.


This is a known bug — add a “Like” to that thread to upvote it.

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I very much agree. Thanks!

Also, see this relevant feature request: Persistent tag suggestions

tag are not alpha sorted and not appearing when typing.
e.g: tag:traduction only appearing when the whole word is typed. Imagine a mistake or not remembering exactly the tag you used. there is no way to do it. and I have only 20 tags max. I imagine with more… so autocompletion is needed of course

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What about that?


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I found the Tag Search plugin by R.W. Blickhan, which seems to solve part of the problem (at least for me). It has only 484 downloads as of today so I assume most of Obsidian users do not know about it yet.


Use case or problem

When you type “tag:” in a search field, the tag-selection menu is displayed. The menu is weirdly ordered, which makes it hard to locate the tag you’re looking for, especially when you have a lot of tags.

Proposed solution

The tag-selection menu could have a filtering field at the top, to narrow down results, and default sorting options.


I think this is a good idea.

Perhaps a similar filtering mechanism/sorting could also be applied when actually adding tags to a note via the autocomplete suggestion pop ups.

I was getting at a similar idea here: Persistent tag suggestions


It’s the same with the path: selection menu, which is made worse because of the inability to trigger a path search from the file explorer:

Use case or problem

When you search for a tag, you are shown a menu with all available tags. The problem is that the results in the list are disorganized, especially if you’re using hierarchical tags, which makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for.

Proposed solution

The results in the list could be filtered as you type (with a fuzzy search).

Example: I have some tags under the category “practical”. I could type “tag:”, start typing “practical”, and the results in the list could be filtered as I type.

When I typing tags in a note, tag filter works well like this.
But in a tag search panel there are no filters or search features, why?
Very frustrating. I think it’s logical to have a filter and search by tags in a search field, no?

As a workaround, you can use regular expressions:

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Mmm…is there a way for more transparent and easy workaround for this filter, maybe in a future? Regex is still a more programming-expert feature, I think not as easy and QUICK as “just typing by substring”. Of course, I agree that end-user should know…etc…but… can you make it more easy? Thanks.
Of course, thanks for your solve, I will try.

Yeah, you still have a valid feature request that could get implemented someday.

Regex might look intimidating but it is less like programming and more like a puzzle. In this case, all you need to know is:

  • wrapping a search term in /slashes/ instructs Obsidian to treat it as a regex search term;
  • ^# means "find words that begin with #;
  • .* means find any number of other characters
  • ample means find the string “ample”

Great thanks for this short memo

I found a plugin that does the job.

Tag Search

Easy. It can find a tag without regex and other hard ways. No need a brain-pain for this anymore.

will be fixed in 1.4.4

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