Search operator for current active note

I agree! But a more elegant solution would be adding a “Search current file in Search” command–either to the command palette, file context menu or both. This command would open the Search pane and input into the search field for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually, all of this can be easily accomplished w/ Templater and Commander:

Templater script (3.1 KB)

 * Template Name: Search Current File
 * Description: Opens search pane and adds current file path to search query. If existing path queries are found, appends the new path using OR operator within parentheses (path:"" OR path:""). Preserves all other search terms in their original position.
 * Version: 2.3
 * Author: Created via Claude
 * Source:
 * Last Updated: 2024-10-28

// Store current selection
const selection = tp.file.selection();

function parseSearchQuery(query) {
    const paths = [];
    // Match both quoted and unquoted paths
    const pathRegex = /path:(?:"[^"]+"|[^\s)]+)/g;
    let match;
    while ((match = pathRegex.exec(query)) !== null) {
        // If path is not quoted, add quotes
        const path = match[0];
        if (!path.includes('"')) {
            const pathValue = path.replace('path:', '');
        } else {
    if (paths.length === 0) {
        return {
            beforeQuery: query,
            paths: [],
            afterQuery: ''
    const firstPathIndex = query.indexOf(paths[0]);
    const lastPathIndex = query.lastIndexOf(paths[paths.length - 1]) + paths[paths.length - 1].length;
    const beforeQuery = query.substring(0, firstPathIndex).replace(/\(\s*$/, '').trim();
    const afterQuery = query.substring(lastPathIndex).replace(/^\s*\)/, '').trim();
    return { beforeQuery, paths, afterQuery };

async function searchInCurrentFile() {
    const activeFile = app.workspace.getActiveFile();
    if (!activeFile) {
        new Notice('No active file found');
    let searchLeaf = app.workspace.getLeavesOfType('search')[0];
    if (!searchLeaf) {
        searchLeaf = await app.workspace.getRightLeaf(false);
        await searchLeaf.setViewState({
            type: 'search',
            active: true
    await app.workspace.revealLeaf(searchLeaf);
    const searchView = searchLeaf.view;
    const searchInput = searchView.searchComponent.inputEl;
    const currentQuery = searchInput.value.trim();
    const newPathQuery = `path:"${activeFile.path}"`;
    if (currentQuery.includes(newPathQuery)) {
    if (!currentQuery) {
        searchInput.value = newPathQuery;
    } else {
        const { beforeQuery, paths, afterQuery } = parseSearchQuery(currentQuery);
        const pathSection = paths.length > 1
            ? `(${paths.join(' OR ')})`
            : paths[0];
        searchInput.value = [beforeQuery, pathSection, afterQuery]
            .join(' ');
    const inputEvent = new Event('input');
    searchInput.setSelectionRange(searchInput.value.length, searchInput.value.length);

await searchInCurrentFile();

// Restore selection
tR = selection;