I think the most important thing in learning is about repetition. We need to read and remember notes several times before we really get it in our brain. So, maybe we can make a plugin to help us :we can choose to add one note to “ask me to remember”, then we can click on the left side to get “what notes do I need to read again to remember”. The plugin can help us manage what notes need to be show up today based on forgetting curve
Staged repetition or Anki system, yes a plugin were you could add a list of notes and it will prompt ‘somehow’ and show those when needed.
There are two other posts that are about learning and spaced repetition:
Most spaced repetition systems have an upper limit of next time repeating, six months or so. Also the spaced repetition interval is not locked down, each system, Anki/Memrise et rest have different models. They even tinker with them.
Anyway, a plugin where you could tweak and set the interval might be the way.
This would be very useful I think, it would make obsidian very useful for reviewing and revising
+1 for this. There have been demonstrated positive effects of spaced repetitions on learning, so I think it would be a valuable feature.
Obsidian has very nicely supported the Zettelkasten system which is a great help for note taking and knowledge management.
It will be great if Obsidian also supports Active Recall and Space Repetition for deeper learning.
A related idea would be to extend the current “Open random note” feature such that it shows notes in a pseudo-random fashion, such that those you haven’t reviewed/seen/edited for quite a while are more likely to show up when you click “Open random note”.
check out: