If a non-pinned note contains a link to a block of its text, clicking the link will highlight the block and navigate to it: if that note is pinned, however, the same document will be opened in a new pane, highlighting the block and navigating to it, switching focus to it.
Example note
This is a text. ^mylinktest
This is another text [[test123#^mylinktest]] the above one, will open a new tab if pinned.
Proposed solution
In this particular case i think the expected behavior would be to NOT open the same document in a different pane, instead keep navigating and highlighting to the linked block in the same pane (since we are not really switching to another document by following the link internal at the note itself)
The possibility to choose a behavior in this task may be interesting: if referencing a block inside an already pinned note from a non-pinned one, it would also permit to choose to either open a new tab or give focus and navigate/highlight to it.