Requirements for supporting keywords in some way

Unlike the tags, the keywords need allowing having spaces. It’s a mechanism to use a natural phrase such as “Software Architecture” as a fixed unit for searching, indexing, or matching.

It could be not settle for replacing with the tags such as #SoftwareArchitecture or #software-architecture; at least for the following reasons

  • such the tags are unnatural and not suitable for general statements/text
  • the keywords (or index terms, etc.) as natural phrases are in fact widely used

How do you feel? Thanks.

What is your use case for this feature?
What problem you’d like to solve?

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I want to use a ‘tag’ that allows having spaces, such as #‘software architecture’ , and the software architecture will be listed in the tag pane, and the text/notes with the keyword can be indexed by an exact matching.

For example:

Abstract. …
Keywords: Software Architecture; Programming Language

(the keywords may need to be marked in some way…)

but not

Keywords: #Software-architecture; #Programming-Language


Keywords: #Software #Architecture #Programming #Language

There’s a workaround you can use. Create a folder and call it Keywords. Inside this create any note that you’d want to be a keyword like Software Architecture. Then whenever you open this file, open it’s backlinks and under Unlinked Mentions you’d find a list of all files mentioning the words naturally with a space and no special characters. If you like from here, you can even link them. Some of us actually use [[]] for tags since it works better than # for now just because of the backlinks feature.


Thank you for you great idea. It’s a useful tip and works very well.
Though I still think that it’s worth to developing a simple, generic approach like the current tags, which supports using natural phrases as keywords to link the notes/texts. I think that it’s a quite basic way for organization and management of knowledge.


I understand your need for having words in your notes which don’t stand out like #tags or [[links]] but are still connected. How does an app scan for meaningful keywords though? Wouldn’t every word/combination have a possibility of being a keyword? With either using explicit links or tags OR using unlinked mentions, we are narrowing down to specific words that the app can scan in a wall of text. And if we just have a way to create keywords in some interface which the app will know to scan for, then unlinked mentions already do that.

Yes, as you said, I imagine an ideal situation where a phrase can be marked as a keyword, and then there’re some convenient ways to show the mentions in the base (vault) and even navigating by them. Up to a point, [[link]] can do that but it’s mandatory to create a note, a .md file named with the keyword; and the #tag cannot tag a natural phrase with space.

It seems possible. such as attaching a mechanism to [[link]] to open a backlinks pane without creating a note file, or extending the #tag syntax to support the expression like #‘Natural Phrases’…

He’s explained his method at length several times, you should be able to find it.

The method of using links without creating notes does work but then you can’t see any back links which is a requirement here.

I think the quickest solution might be to just allow spaces in tags like #key word#.

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Which markdown editors support that syntax?

It looks well, and in my opinion,

  • #'key word' and #"key word" are seemingly more consistent and compatible with existing syntax
  • Other, #[[key word]], #(key word) might also be considered
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Bear does. There might be others that I don’t know.