- Sharing documents with people and teams

Happy New Year goes live on 24/01/01

As promised and almost ahead of its time, goes live in the first quarter of the new year. We are so excited about it that we picked the first date of the period as our launch date.

In the last weeks, we have

  • built the permission system for teams
  • put more content on our site to explain features
  • improved our Obsidian plugin
  • took part in many conversations of various communities around Obsidian
  • reached over 80% test coverage
  • hardened our deployment
  • and many more - read more on the sites News page

We are eager to hear your feedbackand have a dedicated contact page setup waiting for your input.

Visit us and let us turn your Obsidian into a communications platform!

PS: We’ll let you know when our obsidian plugin is approved and included into community plugins!