- Sharing documents with people and teams

Hello dear Obsidians,

We regularly see ourselves writing documents, articles, contracts and notes in obsidian only to copy&paste them into an email to share it with someone else. This feels like unnecessary friction.

For this reason, we have been building for the last few weeks. The core purpose of the platform will be to

  • share markdown documents with others from within Obsidian
  • when adding a front matter parameter relay-to, the document will be sent out
  • new documents will be downloaded right into your Obsidian vault

For us, the true magic happens when you setup teams, make use of Obsidian’s powerful templating engine. This can enable entirely new workflows when dealing with different people.

Example 1
Consider a freelance develop that consults different B2B customer, e.g. by providing specifications. With, he can finally keep all his specifications in one place, and share them with the customer from within Obsidian.

Example 2
As a technology provider, you may work on different projects with different teams that benefit from your know-how. Keep your know-how in one place, share with the teams what the need to know using

If you think that’s a terrible idea, feel free to speak up :smiley:
Right now, we have a very basic landing page are working on the Obsidian, offer early access and have the basic API ready. If you are curious, please feel free to apply for early access on the site.

Quick update:
Our Obsidian plugin is now pending review inclusion into community plugins:

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Happy New Year goes live on 24/01/01

As promised and almost ahead of its time, goes live in the first quarter of the new year. We are so excited about it that we picked the first date of the period as our launch date.

In the last weeks, we have

  • built the permission system for teams
  • put more content on our site to explain features
  • improved our Obsidian plugin
  • took part in many conversations of various communities around Obsidian
  • reached over 80% test coverage
  • hardened our deployment
  • and many more - read more on the sites News page

We are eager to hear your feedbackand have a dedicated contact page setup waiting for your input.

Visit us and let us turn your Obsidian into a communications platform!

PS: We’ll let you know when our obsidian plugin is approved and included into community plugins!