“New link format” set to Relative path to file in “Files and links” Settings .
create a folder named “C#”, and create a note named “Target” in the folder.
create a folder named “Other” , and create a note named “Test” in the folder:
create a note named “Test2” in root folder.
The directory structure now looks like this:
│ Test2.md
│ Target.md
If you click the link in the Test.md, it will show error File names cannot end in dots or spaces.
If you click the link in the Test2.md, it will create a note named “C” in root folder.
Relative paths should match files first, not the first ‘#’.
Actual result
it seems to be looking for the ‘/Target.md’ header inside the “C” note in the root directory, which doesn’t make sense.
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This is part of broader issues/not yet implemented features around relative links (especially important with standard markdown links in relative path mode).