Refactor notes with multiple templates

Things I have tried

I searched these forums for anything related but couldn’t find an answer.

What I’m trying to do

I would like to be able to refactor a note but using different templates for different types of notes. As far as I can tell, the note refactor plugin lets you apply a template to a refactored note, but it’s a fixed, single, template. What I really want to do is to use this in order to make note types, for example, I’d like to be able to be reading some source material and highlight a question the source material asks and then refactor it into a note [[QUE - relevant question]] with some specific YAML header, for instance:

type: [[QUE]]
asked by: [[SOU - relevant source]]

I would similarly like to be able to do smoething like this for “claims” and “evidence”. This way I can build up a network of relations where I can see e.g. all the evidence associated with claims related to a certain question. This is what Joel Chan’s discourse graph plugin does in roam research, and I would like to recreate it in some simple way in Obsidian, but without having to input everything manually.


Have you been able to get Joel’s styling for backlinks ? I have asked for help here Styling internal links with css

I have been trying but struggling. I have moderate success with s supercharged links but not too much. How have you been handling actually setting up the relations between CLMS QUES EVD, etc.?

I have messed around with breadcrumbs plugin but nothing seems very smooth so far. Great to hear someone else trying to get this to work!


So far I have been able to get @joelchan type of styling for internal links in Obsidian. If you are looking for that I can share the CSS with you.

But, settings relations between the QUE, CLM, EVD and SOU links will be difficult. One reason is that Obsidian doesn’t allow Roam type of links with [[[[QUE]] - text ]] .

I have been thinking about using YAML frontmatter to set categories and using the Dataview plugin in some sort of a way to set up a query drawer.

I would like to know how you are using the Supercharged Links and the Breadcrumbs plugin.

cool, yes I would love to see the CSS.

I’m a bit busy right now but I will post my setup for the supercharged links and breadcumbs setup i have later today.

Here is an example of how a source page looks for me:

so in a CLM page I have yaml frontmatter that says note_type: claim, or i have inline dataview like note_type:: claim.

Then in a source page I will have things like

claims:: [[CLM - example here]]

this allows breadcrumbs to know that this page claims, that claim, and on the right of the image, that shows the claims results etc. this is a bit more by hand than its currently set up in roam and it’s a bit messy as you can see, but it feels like a step in the right direction. I use css and the supercharged links to change the colors and add the incons for the claims, sources, etc.

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Hi, sorry for the late reply. As I said before, I have only been able to get @joelchan styling for the wiki links. I was important for me that the styling should work in the preview as well as in the editor. I got the following CSS from the forum.

This works with the Supercharged Links plugin , with the editor mode option enabled.

For the the more difficult part, I have the searching in the forum for some ready made alternative. Some of the plugins which have caught my eye are Juggle, Argdown, Graph plugin.

Will have to check out each one of them and see if any works.

I hope you don’t mind sharing the CSS you use for the Supercharged Links. It would be nice to see if there is something new there.

Cheers :+1:

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