I use obsidian for my own PKMS but for a school assignment I have to build my own website from a jekyll theme called al-folio. There are some pre-configured block quotes but they look terrible compared to the Obsidian Callouts.
I want to tweak the jekyll block quote formatting to mimic Callouts but I’m very new to css and html and have no idea where to begin.
Does anyone know if Obsidian uses an API for the Callouts or if they’re all formatted in the source code?
Does anyone have tips for how to create a custom css snippet that would recreate the basic style of a Callout?
I don’t know how much CSS you can customize with al-folio, but you can open the dev tools in Obsidian (Ctrl-Shift-I on Windows/Linux or Cmd-Opt-I on macOS) → go to the Sources tab → click on app.css → select all on the right in app.css → copy → paste in your code editor of choice.