While reading others’ digital gardens, sometimes I don’t know what I’ve already read or what is new. There is an RSS feed in traditional (linear) blogs that we can read with an RSS reader (like RSS fluent reader).
How to have similar functionality for digital gardens?
Yes, the ‘visited’ color helps me distinguish if I’ve been there before :). But in a digital garden, notes change regularly, for example, changing from ‘draft’ to more mature ones.
What I want is a mechanism to read changes in the gardens I’m interested in systematically. That’s why I thought about RSS (But I’ve noticed that gardens around do not provide an RSS feed).
I’m using Blot for both my sites (https://fulcra.design and https://axle.design). It is meant to be a blogging platform, though. It is very flexible, but you might need to handle some aspects of site design/layout yourself if you want to go beyond a blog.
The sidebar and the projects page on Fulcra are a sample of non-blog parts of Blot.