Properties: Support INTERNAL Markdown links

What if the property is just stored as a string? Wouldn’t that fix the compatibility issue? Isn’t that what Obsidian’s Properties feature is already doing?

Like this:


  • parent:
    • child: “[[link]]”
    • child2: “another link

This way:

  1. It’s simpler for other apps to add compatibility
  2. It’s still valid yaml, and markdown
  3. It’s human readable.
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+1 This would be very useful especially in the case documents need to be converted in pandoc


I like to support this feature, I also proposed a more general feature request here:


+1 for this, would love to have some human-readable lists of URLs as a property


I would like this feature as well. I have been looking for a solution for a while now before finding this thread.

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+1 for this essential feature request. Any news please ?

Was finally going to convert to the new Properties today, only to discover neither external nor internal markdown links with aliases are supported. And yet, it’s so frequent to need a name/shortcut for a link (especially for url) as metadata in a note.

Will stick to the old and less UX friendly key:: for now.

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I have split this FR in two parts for internal and external


+1 - Please add this!
It’s so badly needed,
and should hopefully be pretty easy to implement as it’s already working this way for wiki links.
Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Any news/ETA regarding this FR (and the same FR with external markdown links) ?

Thank you very much.


+1 I really need this feature :sob:

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Has this been implemented yet?

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Hi, I have been testing recently some functionality of internal and external links in Obsidian front-matter. In the screen capture, similar is a list field with the following YAML values (Wiki links)

  - "[[20240816180552.note|putt's law]]"
  - "[[20240816180552.note]]"

As you can see that is rendered fine in the editing and view modes
but if I try to add a markdown link such as:

"[putt's law](20240816180552.note)"
that is not rendered and the link is not functional !

You can also use external links, only URLs inside quotes, in the frontmatter


As you can see in the screen capture that is also rendered correctly and functional. But markdown syntax for external links inside front-matter does not work !!!

There is also this Use [[Wikilinks]] option in settings but I don’t have a clue if and how this works


Are there any news regarding this FR ? Is external / internal markdown links support planned at some point ?

This is the last thing preventing me from switching to properties.

Thank you very much !

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