Navigate preview mode without the mouse.
Something like vim vixen for firefox. Following links with the “f” key creates temporary “letter” popups for all the links. Reminds me of elinks text browser using the “period” to show numbers next to each link.
@jtmusky See Quick jump to links using hotkeys
If it is what you are looking for, then this could be merged.
@malecjan I am currently using the “jump-to-link” plugin. Is this what this is?
Yes. So this is no longer relevant as separate plugin idea, correct?
It performs one of the components. Still looking for some linux “less” command using the ‘j’ and ‘k’ to scroll up and down while in preview down.
Another note: is to have single character hotkeys in preview mode. i.e. ‘f’ to follow a link. in lieu of “ctrl+;”
I agree, single key hotkeys. Watching that thread now.