August 5, 2023, 6:28pm
What I’m trying to do
I just want to type a word that starts with a C or a P in parenthesis without having it automatically converted into © and ℗.
Things I have tried
I tried all the different keyboard input settings in Obsidian. I don’t think it’s a macOS settings issue, because I don’t get the same behaviour in any other application.
What am I missing here?
August 5, 2023, 8:47pm
Oh no… it turns out that it is a macOS thing.
Under System preferences > Keyboard > Text, there was a shortcut for ©, ℗, and ®. I’m pretty sure that I never put them there, and it’s perplexing that this doesn’t happen in other applications (e.g. Firefox).
In any case, it’s nice to see that Obsidian follows my global OS settings. Makes me think even higher of this software.
Thanks for the tip!
August 12, 2023, 8:48pm
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