Currently, you can use hotkeys to go to the next tab or the previous tab. However, most of the time, I want to go to the most recently used tab instead.
Proposed solution
In Firefox, there’s an option to toggle between these two options, and there should be an option like this in Obsidian too.
The Focus on last active pane hotkey enables me to go to the most recently used tab. However, it doesn’t not allow me to go to the 2nd/3rd/etc. most recently used tab, so it only solves a part of the problem.
Agreed, this should be an option. Chrome style tab traversal is infuriating, because it’s different from how every other tabbed program on windows works.
MRU switching allows one to quickly alternate between two tabs without having to rearrange them to be next to each other, or even look to see where they are in the tab bar.
For the community, I had to do 3 things to get everything working subsequent to installing cycle-through-panes:
In Preferences > Community Plugins, enable the Cycle Through Panes plugin. (It was initially disabled for me.)
In Preferences > Hotkeys, assign “Cycle through Panes: Go to next tab” and “Cycle through panes: Go to previous tab” to Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab, respectively.
Also in Preferences > Hotkeys, unbind Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab from their default Obsidian bindings.
In Settings, Hotkeys, I removed default obsidian hotkeys for Go to next tab: Ctrl + Tab and Go to previous tab: Ctrl + Shift + Tab in order to enable Tab Switcher: Go to previous tab: Ctrl + Tab.
Then, Ctrl + Tab has similar behavior to how it is in VSCode. Also, while Ctrl is pressed, a selector show tab names to jump, using Ctrl + Tab to forward and Ctrl + Shift + Tab to backward.