I would like to open another vault using my keyboard only, no mouse. I’m on a Mac.
Right now, I have defined a keyboard shortcut to “open another vault” (cmd-option-P), and this opens a modal window for choosing another vault. But once in this modal window, how do I select another vault using my keyboard only?
Right now, I have to use my mouse to select another vault.
Ideally, the first vault would be selected already, and I would just need to hit enter, or use the arrow keys to select another one.
Things I have tried
I tried using Tab, but this doesn’t select the other vaults. It only switches between the three buttons and the dropdown menu in the modal window.
I tried typing the first letter of the other vault, and using arrow keys. Doesn’t work either.
There are related feature requests to support navigation in the app with keyboard. This seems like a relevant point to add to the discussion there, if vault-switching wasn’t already mentioned there.
Thanks for the suggestion. I’m not using Keyboard Maestro (or Alfred). Inspired by the idea, I did try a work-around using built-in Mac apps:
creating an Automator service to launch an Obsidian vault - this works: Automator > new service; add block Get specified URL, select “no input”, “any application”, add the obsidian url (in my case obsidian://open?vault=Notes), add block Display webpages, save.
adding a shortcut to this service, in mac preferences > keyboard > shortcuts > services. This almost works - The shortcut works when I’m in Finder, or in Firefox, but not when I’m in Obsidian itself… so close… I suppose this is because Obsidian (Electron) ignores mac services.