Open Embedded PDF

When I embed a pdf in a note, it shows itself nicely for a quick view but it is too small for review. There is apparently no way I can found to open the pdf as standalone attachement from the embedded preview. You can do that for instance when you embed a note inside a note.
My workaround is to write both the link with one embedded and the other not.
Am I missing something obvious ?


I think you likely already understand this, but just in case not, I would recommend setting a hotkey for toggling Source mode. This way, when you want to open a PDF from an embed you would just have to press the hotkey to go into Source mode, then right click the link, and finally choose “Open in default app”.

Another option is to set a hotkey for Reveal in Explorer Pane. Then you could first toggle to Source mode, then ctrl shift click the link to open in a new pane. Next you could use the pane menu to Open in default app or you could press your Reveal in Explorer Pane hotkey, and finally right click the file in the Explorer pane and choose Open in default app. I made a request to allow hotkeys for commands to work on the selected file in the Explorer pane. This would help some here. I’ll return and edit this to add a link. Let hotkeys work on selected item in File Explorer Anyways, I’m not sure if there is the ability to set a hotkey for Open in default app. If not, it’s a good request. If so, you could set that and save a few of the steps I mentioned.

I don’t think you are missing anything obvious, but I do hope that this at least helps some. Good luck!

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