Dear Knowledge Management forum:
I need help. I’ve a seventy-five year old friend recovering from a stroke, and the onset of dementia. I want to use Obsidian to help in his recovery. This is an extreme use case, because my friend is a natural Luddite, with a disinterest in computers. I might need specific help with css or whatever later, but here I’m concerned with more meta issues.
What I think I’d like to do is use an Apple Watch, a big(?) iPhone, and an Apple TV with a big display. I’d set up “random” prompts each day, some for photos with the phone, some for voice notes with Watch or iPhone. Every day (week, month), he’ll review them with a trained friend (usually me), and add another layer of notes onto the day notes. Hopefully, he’ll start to use the system to take notes and snaps without prompts; voice seems most direct for that. As time goes on, things can be automated, or, better, learned.
So the idea is to use call and response to lay a base for a second brain, as a self made documentary of his life, essentially, currently and in reminiscence, with built in spaced repetition, building atomic habits. We are also doing a video documentary of his store and home, as a memory palace.
I can’t think of anything that comes close to Obsidian for these purposes. The display flexibility is stunning. I can have one menu for review screen and TV screen. TV access is voice command. Review screen needs day/date/clock display, day note, anything he finds helpful. And a memory game he likes, like Mah Jongg. Simple templates are easy, and I’ll have to start training with Watch and iPhone first, anyway. So I don’t need a polished system to start with—Apple supplies one that Obsidian really shines on. I can automate logs, actions, and repetitions as seems best. Maybe later he’ll be interested in ANKI cards.
Help questions: Are there resources I should look at in or outside the PKM arena? Are there other approaches to memory enhancement or memory support that might help? Any neuropsychology findings appropriate? Any related projects? Any metrics to suggest? Any other suggestions? Anything else I should have asked?
Robert Anderson, RA99