I‘d be more than happy to pay for Obsidian publish, but to my best knowledge it doesn‘t cover the one use case I care about: publishing a single file (and, recursively, linked files) to a hidden, non-indexed URL.
Use case or problem
I use the same vault for a bunch of different projects — the blog I write, my work notes, events I organize, etc. Pretty often (several times a week) I just want to share my notes with other people — my editor for proof-reading, my colleague, attendees for event information, … I don‘t want to publish my whole vault, or even a whole folder in one vault, just a single page and linked pages.
Proposed solution
Craft does this rather well: you click the „secret url“ button, and it will publish your document at a random URL. Changes are automatically update, you just have to share the URL.
In Obsidian, I‘d like things to work similarly: in the command palette, I can select „Publish to secret URL“, it will render the file (and linked files) to HTML (probably locally so local plugins are used), send it to the server which renders it at a random URL (which could be stored in the YAML front matter of the file). I don‘t care if changes are automatically published or I need to run an „Update published page“ command.
With this feature, I‘d happily pay $20/mo for Obsidian (also willing to pay someone for creating a plugin that does this, contact me)
Current workaround (optional)
Current workaround is a script that copies the file I want to publish to a different folder, hashes the file name (bad as this may change), renders it with a static site creator and pushes that to GitHub on a gh-pages branch, and spits out the URL based on the hash. It‘s not great as it doesn‘t do any plugins yet (I use admonitions and a lot of MathJax) and I don‘t resolve any internal links, though that could be fixed. But at this point I just want to pay for that feature.
Any pointers arewelcome.