Hey @sam.baron thank you for the kind words. It’s good I put it in the “Help” section before I turn this into a feature request. Since I missed something obvious.
I still think there’s value for nested tags beyond obisidian publish.
What I missed is that from the root vault (where I have my sub-folder to publish) one can simply select everything inside a sub-folder to publish.
This makes the selection of a sub-folder really easy.
The reason why this approach isn’t great yet, is due to how obsidian publish folds all that content in the left pane under a toggle folder (hiding everything by default)
This is exactly what’s stated in this posts
I’m make sure to support that post.
Beyond that you are right, it’s worth doing a feature-request for nested vaults, I think it’s a valuable feature. I’ll put one together
Thanks for your time @sam.baron