I’m using Obisidan mobile, or trying to. Having an issue where files that are not in any folder to not show up on the phone. My structure looks like the below screenshot, and anything not in these folders (or my others ones not show) do not appear. Do I have the cloud file structure not setup correctly?
Below is also a screenshot of my finder, and loose files not in a folder will show up outside of the “Obsidian iCloud Vault” folder instead of inside, which is probably the issue. New files automatically placed outside a folder, which seems the correct behavior, so not sure what’s going on.
I also don’t know why I have 2 trash folders. “.Trash” doesn’t have anything in it (".trash 2" has all my deleted files)… and when I delete .Trash", it comes back. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.
Another strange thing is that the app isn’t behaving as expected. my files don’t display properly and I can only see the map, not the actual file contents. I have an old iPhone 7, but the latest iOS sofware.
It looks like the root folder of your vault is “Documents”, not “Obsidian iCloud Vault”. That’s why Obsidian has placed its .obsidian folder in your Documents folder, and why new files appear there too.
If you want “Obsidian iCloud Vault” to be your vault root, then you should make Obsidian forget your existing vault and open the “Obsidian iCloud Vault” folder as your vault root. You may want to copy your “.obsidian” folder into your “Obsidian iCloud Vault” first so that you don’t lose your settings.
I’m nervous to mess things up… what’s the best way to do move things to the right place? is there a danger of breaking paths, links, notes references, dataview code?
Sure, that’s understandable. Here’s what I recommend for a low-risk way to move your vault:
First, always make a backup of your existing vault. (A popular – and true – saying around here is that cloud sync is not a replacement for backups.)
Second, use Obsidian to create a brand new empty vault in the location you would like it to live. Create an empty note. Look at the vault folder with your file browser to make sure both the .obsidian folder and the new note are where you expect them to be.
Third, now that the new vault is set up correctly, copy over your notes from the old vault into the new one. If you’d like to preserve plugin settings, you can try copying your .obsidian file from the old vault over the new one, but I usually prefer to re-download and configure the plugins.
Fourth, you’ll want to review anywhere in your new vault that you referred to the old folder structure. In your case, I think you’d want to search for and remove references to “Obsidian iCloud Vault”, since it no longer exists. This would affect Dataview queries that include folders, links that include the full file path, and so forth.
Now your new vault should be up and running, and your old vault is still untouched in case anything went wrong.
quick thing about this before I move to the next step… looking in my icloud folder, I dont have a “documents” folder—that looks like it’s part of the obsidian interface. do you not have that? just to be sure, he’s a screenshot of my icloud folder. the subfolder was created automatically there.
Hmm, I’m a little out of my depth here, because I don’t happen to use iCloud or any Apple products. My best guess is that your OS is sharing that folder to Obsidian as “Documents”, which is why they’re named differently.
On my machine, my vault is named “Reference” because that’s the name of the folder: