Obsidian Git - Plugin for automatic vault backup with git

Hi all,

I’m using macOS and also note that, when installing this plug-in and enabling it, the menu option doesn’t appear. My vault is stored in a Cryptomator container, and no matter what I’ve done the option doesn’t appear. However, if I open my vault in a non-encrypted container and enable the plug-in the menu option magically appears and is able to be utilised.

While not ideal, this could be a workaround for some of you while we wait for a bug fix, and I hope that this can aid in debugging.


EDIT: After having a bit of a fiddle with some other community plug-ins it seems this issue isn’t specific to the Git plugin. @kepano minimal theme settings also has this problem, but is resolved when not in a vault within an encrypted container. This is on macOS, not sure if it applies to other OS at this stage. Food for thought!

I’ve finally managed to solve it, at least for macOS users. It seems to have to do with the command line tool:
open terminal and update it with
xcode-select --install

Anyone know where a set of log files might be to help diagnose the issue? Would gladly submit a PR to fix the problem but I’m not sure how to locate it.

Found it! Dev tools. Should have guessed. Found out this is a GPG Key Signing issue. I forgot that I do the automatic signing of commits and pushes. Now to figure out how to make it work with this plugin.

EDIT: And to complete the circle. I found this:

Made the tweak and all is well!

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I really know nothing about code or this software, but I opened up a GitHub desktop app. It registers changes that I make in Obsidian. The problem is, I have to add a summary and press the button commit to Main. So it will not back up ever xx minutes and described in the app description. Wondering what I should do. Maybe get Keyboard Maestro to start the back up every five minutes. Not sure how to do that.

For Windows users this is how I got the settings page to come up.:

  1. Make sure you have downloaded git for windows
  2. Get a/sign into your github account. Create a new (private) repository.
  3. You will see a page that tells you a number of ways to set up a git folder in your computer’s file system. Copy and paste the first one into your windows terminal. This will create a .git folder in your computer. Before that, you might want to use the command cd to change the current directory of the git folder to be the same as your vault folder but I’m not sure if that’s necessary (that’s what I did anyway). (E.g cd C:\Users\winky\Documents)
  4. Restart obsidian
    The settings for the plugin should come up.

Do you achieve to sync plugin / config ?

I also don’t see the config option.
I’m on macOS Big Sur, just installed the command line tools, and rebooted. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times.

Any suggestions appreciated!

I didn’t get the config option until I had .git folder in my vault folder. Meaning desktop git setup and point to the vault folder.

I was in my identical notes folder that wasn’t a git repository. (I had both open at one time, and must have closed the wrong one.) When I opened the correct vault, voilà, there it was.

I’ve the same issue in one of my Linux machines, using both appimage and snap.

anyway to encrypt files before uploading and decrypt them while fetching ?

Anyway to add encryption before uploading to GitHub?
That would be great

Did you manage to solve this? I have exactly the same problem. Thanks.

I want to use this plugin collaboratively with a group. I expect commits to be out of date if two of us are working on a vault at the same time.

Any suggestions or functionality that could be built into the plugin to poll Git for commits and alert the user that their version is out of date on real time?

Can it also display an error if a commit fails or suggest a Merge request as an alternative?

Ran into the same problem. The solution for me was to run these commands in a terminal to finish setting up git:

$ git config --global user.name "John Doe"
$ git config --global user.email [email protected]

more info can be found here

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Please add input form for user text during commit, if commit manual. Now git history useless because contain automatic messages only.

I would like have option to write my own descriptions for commits.

Hey, I’ve noticed that on Windows this plugin syncs literally in milliseconds. However, on MacOS it can take up to two minutes to complete.

I’m very new to git, and coding in general. I was hoping someone would be able to explain why? And if there’s a why, is there a fix?

One of the things I’ve noticed when creating a backup (Open Command Palette – Obsidian Git: Create Backup) is it seems to hang and I just have the message in the lower right corner saying “git: pushing changes”.


No issue from command line, just wanted to better understand how to do it within Obsidian if at all possible.