Obsidian attachment folder - not supported file types. What to do?

I know that i can embed attachment files like images (jpeg,png) or audio , pdf , etc…
But I want to make Obsidian my knowledge base and start doing it.
So I need to embed .Doc files and other not supported by Obsidian file types. Also Obsidian not even show not supported file types in attachment folder…So i am totally disappointed…
Is there any solution , does anybody know how to embed or at least see them in Attachment folder , any plugin , etc? Is there any plans to make it possible in future or that disadvantage will stay forever? It is the only thing that is totally confusing me.
Thanks colleagues for any suggestions!

Currently, you can only use file:/// links with absolute paths. See discussion here: Insert/Embed other file formats like .xlsx and .docx (but not limited to) in addition to pdf and images

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Yes , thanks. But it is very uncomfortable especially when there are spaces in file names. How to deal with them? Example file:///Useres/andrey/obsidian manual .doc ?
Other way that i found is to use Hook (but it is not free) https://hookproductivity.com to generate links

For how to deal with spaces in file name, see: space in link to file

The greater problem with file links is that they are always absolute, i.e. they will break when you move (or sync) your vault to another location.

That’s why I hope for a real solution, i.e. supporting other file types in a similar way as currently PDF is already supported.

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Hook will resolve problem with absolute links and moving files inside operating system if you need it.

But it’s not free and Mac only.

As far as I understand, the idea behind it is to create links between different apps. For links inside the same app, no such crutch should be necessary.

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Is there any plan to enable the easy drag and drop of unknown file types? I know I can use the file:// link, but that is manual. How about the ability to drop a file and not have it import the text. Maybe I just want it to create a link. Thanks.


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will be supported in 0.10.10+


Yee-haw!!! :cowboy_hat_face::+1:

“YEEEEE HAWWWWWW!” :cowboy_hat_face: :+1: :dancing_women: :confetti_ball:

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Woohoo, that is what I am talking about. That was the last straw, I am moving to Obsidian as my primary note taker. Thank you so much team.


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