Obsidian and emoji

I found a very funny thing. Obsidian perfectly perceives emojis in notes. You can also use emojis to search for notes.
So you can add to the text, for example :bulb:, to mark ideas. And then just search :bulb: to find all the notes with ideas.
Exactly works in Windows 10. To insert an Emoji, click win+"."


Neat trick! You can also make emojis a tag.

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Iā€™ve been doing this for my tags for a while :sweat_smile:



And Control + Command + SPACE for Mac :smiley:


In effect this is a copy/paste operation.
A syntactic way would be to be able to type e.g. :smile: to get :grinning:


Hi Bryan,
I am new to Obsidian and I watched your video Here Is How I Use Tags šŸ·ļø And Links šŸ”—ļø In Obsidian To Manage My Zettelkasten šŸ“ļø - YouTube

Really not so easy to not get confused since English is not my mother tongue.

I have found your definitions of each status tag as described below on the screenshot. But I have to say Iā€™m still not sure how to use them.

Even with the descriptions above, Iā€™m confused about when / what for use each tags.
For example:

1 - What is the difference between a seed box and a seedling? I donā€™t understand ā€œdistilled from literature noteā€. Letā€™s say I have capture a long literature note manually: What status tag should I put on it?
Now letā€™s say that Iā€™m using the Note Extractor plugin to automatically create a new note of each of the headings of my literature note: What status tag should I then use for each of the newly created notes?

2 - I could go on asking you how I should ask each of the stauts tag: When, what for, etc.?

I do not want to create a mess from the start in my vault andd dwould need anybodyā€™s help here about:

  • How many status tags should I create?
  • how should i use them? I mean what workflows should I use with them?

3 - What is the advantage of using #:evergreen_tree: rather than #evergreen?
Is it not risky in case you need to migrate some day to another system?

Thank you.


How did you get the formatting bar on edit mode? Is it a plugin?

Hey, youā€™re asking a lot of questions I talk about a lot in my videos so ill try to keep it succinct:

  1. seedbox is ONLY the literature notes. not my personal notes/thoughts
    1a. Literature notes for me get tagged with a variety of tags now with the nested tag system but they start with :inbox_tray:
    1b. i donā€™t use note extractor on literature notes at all, my workflow is different so i cant really comment on what you should do at that point. i link my notes from the literature note and they start off as a :seedling: and move towards :evergreen_tree:
  2. its highly personal how you want to set things up, it may depend on your discipline, your usage of a vault, what you like aesthetically, all i show i how i do things and explain why i do things this way
  3. it looks nice, and i see an image not just text and Iā€™m very visual so it works well for me.
    3a. why would it be risky?

hope this helps. Ultimately these systems are highly personal and my way wont work for everyone or even most people. take inspiration from anyone you see, but donā€™t think that my system is perfect and you have to fit your goals into my system like a round peg into a square hole.

if you have more questions, a better place to ask me than tagging me here is my FAQ repo that way i can answer once and then theyā€™re available for posterity :slight_smile:

current taxonomy:


@tallguyjenks thanks so much for your reply.

Not sure if you can speak foreign languages, but I have to say your videos might be very hard to understand with comparison to your crystal clear written words (I can re-read them as much time as needed without encountering understanding difficulties as far as speaking speech and accent are concerned)

Iā€™m not a coder, a geek and just beginner on Obsidian, and all the ressources available can feel daunting.

As examples:

  1. How to remove the # sign and underlining in front of the emoji (while keeping them for regular text tags)?

  2. @tallguyjenks, what is the best video or textual ressource (preferred) for me to understand your workflow, I mean the way you use nested tags and the reasaon behind each status?

I got your point: I need to figure out my own process. But I also need to understand the process of an expert like you first so as to betteer understand the logics behind using Obsidian. For example:

3 - I donā€™t get it why you have several categories under Completed. Are those boooks or Tweets the final deliverable you are going to publish? If not, I donā€™t understand why you need so many processing steps to issue a completed Tweets. I woul love to see a concrete, action-oriented examples of your workflow.


Fair point, Iā€™m sure the captions are not very accurate, they never really are.

  1. Not sure what you mean, ā€œkeeping them for regular text tagsā€? with the #šŸŸ§ļø they are a tag within the text. if you remove # then :orange_square: will no longer be a tag, it will be plain text.

  2. my comprehensive workflow video is a good starting place, though it is old now and i plan to film a new one soon: My 2020 Comprehensive Obsidian Workflow For Zettelkasten and Evergreen Notes - YouTube

  3. ā€œI donā€™t get it why you have several categories under Completed.ā€ this is just so i donā€™t have to have multiple copies of each type of input item under each status like :orange_square: or :green_square:.

That list is really just a simple way for me to see what i use for tags/statuses across my workflow. all of those inputs go through a process like this:


but i dont want to have a long page when all i need to know is what each individual item looks like, so i just have them placed under the last one which is the :green_square:


Sorry, my mistake. I thought know realize that your taxonomy is just like a caption, but you lay actually still have # and underlining for the tags where you put tags. Am I correct?

Why would that be a problem? I have read your reply 5 times but Iā€™m still confused. Do you mean you only want to have JUST 1 BOOK or JUST 1 PODCAST at each stage/status (Not processed in red, processing in orange, etc.) to avoid having too many projects at the same timee?

Sorry, I think Iā€™m getting things wrong here. May be a concrete example would help.

You will have a new 100% watchtime soon with me :wink: Looking forward to the new one you have in mind.

Hey @Fastidious , sorry for the delay in responding.

That screenshot was from this forum, not the Obsidian app. The editor bar in the image is the post editor. I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a similar toolbar plugin for Obsidian yet.

Iā€™m finding that if I use an emoji as a tag, clicking on it in the preview doesnā€™t create a correct search query, is that the case for all of you?

Clicking the tag in the tag pane does make the right search query.

Hello, Bryan

I watched your video on how you use #Tags and [[Links]] and fully intend on adopting the system.

I was just wondering how you search for your emoji tags when in graph view? I donā€™t know if it is a unique plugin or a built-in feature?

ie. You type out e evergreen and then get the option to add the #:evergreen_tree: tag? Iā€™m referring to the search you did at 03:40 in your video.

Also, shortly after that, I see you have a ā€œ# tabā€ at the top left (next to your other tabs). How did you apply that?

Thank You

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pictures help when referring to things like this, and instead of inserting emojis over and over I have text expansion snippets for most things now so I can quickly plop in an emoji.

Thank You, Bryan.

And how would you apply these text expansion snippets for emojis?

:pray: Thanks Bryan. I liked your emoji idea and have started to implement in my own PKM system. One problem I noticed is that if you use YAML format for the metadata the emojis are not recognized. So it seems that you have to choose between Emojis and YAML - you canā€™t have both. On that note, do you think using the YAML format for metadata really matters? I am not a programmer but from what I understand YAML headers might be a good idea for future proofing and portability of my notesā€¦

UPDATE: SOLVED: The format for tags in the YAML header does NOT include the ā€˜#ā€™. For example:

tags: readstatus/started


tags: #readstatus/started

I am not a programmer so all of this syntax can be :confounded: but its worth it in the endā€¦


But in Windows 7!
Is there any solution, please.

For a newbie, this is a total game changer. Thank you so much =)