Many thanks for anyone that helps make this happen!
Render block which takes a path as its only argument (to show the activity of that folder / project) i.e. (for example ./ for the whole vault activity)
In preview mode this block will render the activity similar to Github’s contribution board.
To keep it light, by default the plugin will only track the whole vault activity, to track specific project the user must add that path in the settings for example to track project one the following path must be added ./Project_1
Hovering over a box will show a % activity relative to the highest activity in current view
Arrows that would change the current year being looked at
I had a few hours during the weekend and started working on this, I added everything so far to a git repo and sent you an invite to collaborate for that project (GitHub - Darakah/obsidian-history: Activity monitor for Vault & specified projects). The current main.ts grabs the size of the vault, timestamps it and saves to plugin data.
Add a function to get the range of available years from the plugin data
Convert data format to fit svelte-heatmap input data (especially the date)
Create a dropdown to choose the year which would trigger an update on the heatmap to show the year in question
Please feel free to use it.
The main idea behind this plugin is to create a set of plugins that can be incorporated into an activity sheet for a given project (A project Dashboard of sorts), I mention this because next on my list was a block to show recent active / modified files which your plugin is dealing with. to name a few:
Activity board (this post)
Recent notes
Tag stat distribution
Forgotten notes mention
Various status tagged note list (#important#modify#update for example)
Hi, I am not able to add any new folder. I tried the way you told and also the way they have instructed. and second question is how many folder we can track?