Next/Previous Daily Note hotkeys should work with subfolders

Use case or problem

I am currently using the Date format YYYY/M/YYYY-MM-DD for Daily notes filename, to subdivide journal notes into YEAR/MONTH subfolders.

Using the Hotkey for Daily notes: Open today’s daily note does work. However, Daily notes: Open next daily note and Daily notes: Open previous daily note does not.

Proposed solution

Make hotkeys for Daily notes: Open next daily note and Daily notes: Open previous daily note work for Daily notes in subfolders.

Current workaround (optional)


Related feature requests (optional)

Original bug filed


FWIW, Periodic Notes plugin supports this, so its not a biggie.

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+1… I use YYYY/YYYY.MM.DD and have the same issue

For what it’s worth, navigation already seems to work, we just can’t trigger the command from anywhere other than the root file.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Under the root folder, create a daily note for a date in the past (2022-03-20)
  2. Under the root folder, create a daily note 2 days after the first note (2022-03-22)
  3. Under a new folder, create a daily note for the day in between the first two (2022-03-21)
  4. See that you can navigate between all the notes (assuming you have a blank template)

Upon even further experimentation, it seems that it can pick up properly formatted notes in any folder within the vault, however the Daily Note folder gets priority (even when triggered from a different folder).

It seems that any custom defined pattern for Daily Notes disables the ‘Next’ and ‘Prev’ navigation, not just the inclusion of subfolders. For example, YYYY-MM_MMM-DD does not work, despite ostensibly having the same navigation structure.

I suppose an argument could be made for having trouble parsing which is the “Next” note for non-ISO compliant structures like DD-MM-YY. However, already the only notes recognized are the ones that follow the defined structure (adding anything before or after the note title makes it not recognized), so I feel like adding a traversal for notes that already follow a strict convention should be easier to do than for an arbitrary list.

Regardless, +1 from me as I would find this feature invaluable.

I see the problem still hasn’t been solved so I’m reviving this conversation in the hope that one day I’ll be able to use the previous notes and next notes commands with my daily note format set to YYYY/MM/DD-MM-YYYY.

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Just to check you saw the first response in this thread, which is that Periodic Notes does this perfectly?

Yes, I did see that answer. But I already use a lot of plugins, so I’d like to avoid using one more plugin for this one feature, since I wouldn’t be using anything more from this plugin.

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+1 to wanting this feature

Steps to reproduce

Configure daily notes format YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM-DD-dddd
Configure next, today and previous hotkeys
Note that the next and previous hotkeys do nothing, today works fine.
Reset the daily notes format to default
Move your notes into the daily folder
All hotkeys now function as expected.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

Next and Previous hotkeys are functional with daily notes subfolders and go to the next and previous days

Actual result

Next and Previous hotkeys are non-functional with daily notes subfolders


Windows 11

Additional information

When I changed the notes format, I moved all of my notes into the expected folders. the “go to today” action works as expected, so I assume it is able to find my today note.

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How has this not been fixed yet? Why???

A bit annoying that this doesn’t work by default given the documentation describes the Automatic subfolders use case, as well as the Open today’s daily note acting as expected.

+1 to support this feature.

+1 this should be fixed

Why does this not work

If it matters, I can’t even use command to open previous / next daily note on every vault (even sandbox) including android, windows 11 and Linux (fedora)