I’m trying convert OneNote notebooks via ConvertOneNote2MarkDown script and I found one issue. It seems like author-stamps are 100% ignored. Author-stamps are created for text blocks/notes when document is shared by more people in cooperative work (there is author name and timestamps).
When I run it everything goes smoothly except for media files. There is a new folder created “Attachments” and all files are moved there but links in the notes don’t update:
Hi all, I am new to this Migration tool. I read that back in July 2020 having MS Word installed was a requirement, is it still the case today? I hope not, because I do not own it, and I would rather not having to pay its monthly fees.
Another option I have discovered for exporting OneNote notes as markdown files is to use the OneMore plugin in OneNote. This plugin adds the option to export any note or a group of notes in a section as markdown files. This option can be accessed by just right clicking on the note in the note list. @JavierDL This newer option does not require Word but does require the OneMore plugin.
As of now lots of hiccups with OneMore. E.g., shredded tables if you background-colored its cells. No transformation of inline links (they point to OneNote).
Seems to lag behind the official importer plugin for Obsidian functionality-wise.