Need help taking notes of the bible

Hello, I am using my bible plugin to build my bible, but then I would like to have a copy of it but instead of the text be a link. So I want a copy of the folder structures but the notes should instead point to the original bible folder. Is it it a good approach? If so, how should I do it?

You’re not the first wanting to do that, so here is some reading material for a little while…

Hey thank you so much, but I would still want to do a 1:1 replica of my folder strcture but instead of notes I want to have the links to the notes, is it possible?

For building your own copy of the bible you can use this plugin: obsidian://show-plugin?id=gslogimaker-my-bible

You can place your notes under the bible text (Bible Study in Obsidian Kit (including the Bible in Markdown) - #176 by Hermann)

I am indded using that plugin and I was considering to do that and I was doing that, I guess it works out