Minimal Theme

I broke the Vim cursor, It’s no longer a block. In visual mode it is correct. See attached pictures.

I added the advance appearance plugin and the cursor became skinny. I’m using the Monaco typeface for all fonts under the minimal theme settings.

I tried to remove the advance appearance plugin: no change.

Normal mode

Visual mode

Right now Advanced Appearance and Minimal Theme Settings are not working perfectly together. I am going to update them both soon, but have been too busy. I the meantime I would recommend only using just the Minimal Theme Settings on its own.

The problem stems from the fact that Advanced Appearance replicates most of the functionality of Minimal Theme Settings but has been genericized to work with other themes.

yeah, I kinda came to that conclusion when the options were same as the minimal theme settings. FYI: thanks for the support! :grinning:

Could someone post a CSS snippet that shows increased font size for different headings in Minimal? I am unclear on which selectors to use for both edit and view mode. Thanks in advance!

Here’s the simplest version of the snippet for heading sizes:

:root {

Here’s the relevant section of CSS that you can copy/paste into a snippet if you want to customize further

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Speaking of headings, I’ve encountered a bug with h4 that shows numbers and symbols in a different size than text.

Edit Mode:

Preview Mode:

H4s are intentionally using small caps. The issue I’m seeing is not that the numbers are a different size, but that I had accidentally set the headings to be all lowercase. If you download the latest version this is fixed.

If you want to switch from small caps to all caps you can uppercase the H4s like so:

.markdown-preview-view h4, .HyperMD-header-4, .cm-header-4 {
    text-transform: uppercase;

I don’t use H4-H6 headers very often, but today I noticed that the hash signs are not dimmed/muted. I tried to look in the Minimal CSS to create a snippet for that, but I could use some pointers!


This should be fixed now.

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Found it, it’s under the cm-fat-cursor where the width is 5px. Changed it 10px. Now the cursor is more “block”

Is there any way to display the filename as the title of the note? I noticed California Coast does it, it would be great to have this option on Minimal.

It seems that my tags are being rendered in pill-style only in Edit Mode, while they are shown like text in Preview Mode. Can I have them rendered in pill-style in Preview Mode too?

On the left is Edit Mode, and Preview Mode is on the right.
Am I doing something wrong here?


I also use Minimal and don’t remember this behavior to be native. But maybe I’m wrong. In any case, I know you are not looking for a snippet, but if you end up interested in one, I have been using this one. It works pretty nicely with custom tags :metal:t4:

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This is fixed if you download the latest version

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Can you explain, what is the benefit of this feature? I don’t understand why someone would use it since the title is already displayed at the top of the note.

I export notes to pdf regularly. Currently, the only way I have to display the title in the export is to type/copy-paste it into the note. This feature will save me that step, particularly useful when exporting several notes at once.

Hi Kepano, thank you for sharing such a great theme!

But it seems multi paragraph quotes under list not rendering line breaks properly in preview mode.

In Editor:

What I expect in Preview (In Original CSS):

Actual Result in Preview:

Background Info:

  • Obsidian v0.10.11
  • Minimal Theme v2.5.2
  • Minimal Theme Settings v2.5.0
  • Hider v1.0.5

I know that using two spaces at the end will force a new line. You may need to play around with the “strict line breaks” option in the “editor” section. However, I too am seeing the same preview presentation with the minimal theme. The default theme renders correctly.

Well, I tried. but it seems doesn’t work. Actually, This problem occurs only when line breaks quoted in a list.

Just updated Minimal Theme to 2.5.4 — try this version and let me know how it works for you.