Minimal Theme

Hello. This is a stunning theme. I have been trying different themes and I just come back to this one. Thank you!
I have but one question, is there any way to change colors of headings? I tried copying what I thought to be the heading color settings from Nord theme, but that breaks many colors of this theme, while not even causing a change in heading colors!! Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your awesome theme. I have been using it for almost a year and I love it so much. One thing that really bugs me is the table alignment. I am not able to align tables correctly. See pics below:


In edit mode the alignment was fine. But in preview, title 2 and title 3 are not correctly aligned. I tried switching to other themes and the alignment was perfectly fine. What might be the problem?

Hi Kepano!

Minimal is the best theme out there.

I noticed folder indentation in File explorer is a bit confusing,

I have added below code to keep in-folder content indented, maybe it is helpful for somebody

/* Fix folder indentation */
.nav-folder-children {
    padding-left: 34px !important;



You can do this by creating a snippet with the following code. Note this will make centered text the default for all table headings.

.markdown-preview-view th {

Minimal is designed around my personal usage. The default for HTML tables is centered headers, but I prefer left aligned headers. Unfortunately there isn’t a way that I know of to define the default alignment of table headers without overriding all table header alignment. For me this is preferable over manually defining the alignment on every table.

You can also add a class prefix to the code above and use the cssClasses YAML to use this snippet only on select files.

It works. Thanks! Guess it’s a compromise for now that all headers are aligned in the center.
Again, appreciate the great theme.

@kepano Have you considered integrating sidenotes into Minimal? I’m currently using a CSS snippet but was curious if you’ve considered it. They can play well with the minimal philosophy and add a nice layer of information. Thanks for a great theme!


I like this idea a lot! Mind sharing that snippet?

Can you share the snippet you are using? The solutions I have seen rely on some hacky syntax which doesn’t seem ideal.

IMO sidenotes should use the standard Markdown footnote syntax. Unfortunately with the current implementation in Obsidian there isn’t a good way to display them in pure CSS.

It would be amazing if someone can take this idea and turn it into a plugin so that the footnote content can be displayed inline and manipulated. Then it would become possible to style that content properly.


@ldebritto @kepano This is the snippet. I got it from @jdanielmourao on Discord. He is the creator of the Sanctum theme and credits the original sidenote CSS to @SlRvb ITS theme.

It gets the job done but it does not use Markdown, I agree that will be ideal.

sidenotes.css (1.5 KB)


Got it! In that case, I think the snippet is best shared in the Share your Minimal Theme screenshots/configuration thread. I want to keep the core Minimal theme focused on native Markdown features.

You might also want to post a plugin request for this feature. If a plugin does get made to support sidenotes using Markdown, I will definitely explore styling it for Minimal.

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@PR-C: I use this snippet (ITS theme too) and it supports markdown.

side-note2.css (2.8 KB)


This snippet uses HTML syntax, which is compatible with Markdown, but doesn’t work with the native Markdown footnote syntax.

@kepano : Markdown footnote syntax? What is the relationship between a sidenote and a footnote?

See @PR-C’s link to the Edward Tufte inspired description. For a non-paginated medium like Obsidian, sidenotes are a way to contextually position citations/references/etc to make them easy to read. Since they semantically replace footnotes, it seems best to use the Markdown syntax to stay in line with the Obsidian philosophy of future-proof notes.


I have seen Tufte’s description, it is what actually got me interested in sidenotes in the 1st place, and that was when I was already using footnotes a lot and still do.

I still don’t understand the relationship between sidenotes and footnotes, but I do not want to take up your time with that.

My reaction was merely to pcuellar’s comment that Markdown does not work with the sidenote snippet he uses. I have a different snippet and in sidenote text I can e.g. use **text** for bold, and it is rendered as such, even in Live Preview.

Hey @Klaas, thanks for sharing! I like the aside-in version of the sidenote.

I just tested Markdown syntax on text with the snippet I use and it renders it exactly like yours. My understanding of what @kepano was saying is that there is no native Markdown syntax to make sidenotes work. However, I saw yesterday a post on Discord by @holubj on a new plugin called Obsidian Dialogue Plugin that uses Markdown fenced codeblocks to produce side-to-side text. Maybe this can be leveraged to produce sidenotes?

@PR-C: I did not see that one because I don’t often go on the updates channel. They offer a lot more flexibility than the sidenotes. The only thing I would miss is the hide feature that sidenote offers.

Many thanks for sharing!

Here is the FR for the core feature: Parse markdown inside <details><summary> tags - #2 by argentum

Minimal 4.1.9 is now available with improvements for Live Preview

  • Support for rendered Dataview code blocks
  • Better line width support
  • Fixed underline settings for internal and external links

Minimal 4.2 Beta is now available to early access supporters, read more here:

Release notes: