Minimal Theme

@jellyfish What OS do you use? Bold is currently set to 500 instead of 600. It’s possible that your OS doesn’t have a 500 weight font installed. Try downloading the latest version of the theme. I’ve added a setting that allows you to change the weight from 500 to 600.

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Yes, you will need to remove the “File matches” rules at the top of the CSS settings in the “Disabled features” section.

This theme looks very familiar in dark mode. I can’t quite place what it reminds me of, but it is very daring of you to make the creative choices you did. I can tell that, as a designer, you’re a regular fireball!

This should be fixed in the latest version!

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Hah! I just added a special feature just for you. You can now easily change the colors of the theme using HSL!

Go to the top of the file and try changing the color values to these:

--color: 210, 10%;
--d: 32%;


Made for the Minimal theme: a Keyboard Maestro macro to enable/disable a zen/focus mode: Zen/focus mode with automation


That’s quite a clever solution to toggle modes! This and the Pisum theme’s ability to use Andy mode in the light version are both ingenious in their own ways. The mode switching to toggle seems quicker since it works with a hotkey in Obsidian and requires no 3rd party app. But your solution seems more flexible. In fact, I think it can be extended to even switch themes entirely by picking a random one from a folder full of Obsidian.css files. Imagine having a new theme everyday! That or different colours for each day of the week. The possibilities seem endless. Thanks for sharing!

Oh, totally. You can extend the pattern I set up (append CSS to enable and find-and-replace CSS to disable) to create ways of turning on and off a variety of CSS only features. I’ll do Andy Mode next.

I like the light/dark toggle hack though… clever.

Various improvements have been made to the theme which you can grab from the Github repo, or now directly from the Community Themes in Obsidian Settings.

  • Most of the theme colors including accent color for links are now driven by a few HSL values that you can customize meaning that the backgrounds, borders, and various shades are automatically generated for you.
  • Better documentation of options (see top of the CSS file)
  • Small fixes for 0.8.2
  • Various fixes to issues with bulleted and numbered lists

It’s my favorite dark theme. I want to change the font to Courier Prime, but I don’t know how to do it in the css file. Could you help me?

On Mac:

After you have installed the font into Font Book, open the obsidian.css file in Text Edit and change the font-family:

body, input, button, .cm-s-obsidian .cm-formatting-hashtag, .cm-s-obsidian {
font-family: "Courier Prime" !important;
-webkit-font-smoothing:subpixel-antialiased !important;

Save and it should change to the correct font.


I really love this theme! It is both useful and nice-looking, but I haven’t been able to tweak a couple of typographical things that I always change in my custom CSS. I hope I don’t come across as being overly picky, I’m honestly trying to learn how Obsidian theming works and Minimal is my favorite one so far.

How can I set a different font for the Edit mode only?

EDIT: I figured this one out. The usual CSS I would add at the end of the file was this:

.markdown-source-view {
   font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace;

It worked on the default theme and on some other themes I’ve tried, but it wasn’t working with Minimal. The right way to target the source view was this:

.cm-s-obsidian {
   font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace !important;

The !important needs to be there because the theme already uses it for setting the general font for the whole interface, so it won’t override it unless you set this font-family property to !important as well.

How to enable contextual alternates when using Obsidian’s default font?

On the other hand, I’d also like to make Minimal work with Inter, which is Obsidian’s default font, but I can’t seem to enable the contextual alternates feature. An example of a contextual alternative is when the software changes a hyphen and a greater-than sign -> into a beautiful -> arrow glyph. This is enabled by default in Obsidian, and it even works right here in the forum, but when I edit Minimal’s CSS in order to use Inter by using --text:"Inter"; the contextual alternatives stop working.

This OpenType feature is supposed to be enabled by default in CSS, but I nonetheless tried specifying it with:

html {
    font-variant-ligatures: contextual;
    -moz-font-feature-settings: "calt";
    -webkit-font-feature-settings: "calt";
    font-feature-settings: "calt";

But it isn’t working. I’m not sure if this can be easily done, but I’d love to hear from the developers of the theme to see if they have an idea of why this happens, since I can’t find anything in the theme’s CSS that could be overriding the contextual alternatives feature.

Sorry again for getting so hung up on nerdy typographical features, but I’m a typography student and I obsess over these kind of things. Still, this is my favorite Obsidian theme! It’s really helped me focus on my writing, while making Obsidian look beautiful in the process.

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Thank you!

If you grab the latest version of theme you will see that I have added a new variable called --text-editor which you can use to define the font you want in edit mode.

I looked into the issue with contextual alternates. The letter-spacing property seems to conflict with contextual alternates, so you’ll need to remove that line. I’ve added a comment to help you find it (line 156 in the latest version).

Since the theme is designed to use system fonts, I am going to keep that property in the default version of the theme, otherwise SF (the system font on Mac) appears too tight.


Thanks a lot! Removing letter-spacing did the trick.

I’m so used to changing typefaces that I forgot using native fonts is one of the main ideas behind Minimal Theme. Since you’re on Mac, I just wanted to let you know that in Windows the theme is using Arial, but Windows has been using Segoe UI as the default system font since Windows 7. I would suggest adding that to the list of fonts, since Windows will ignore -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont, and use the default sans-serif, which is Arial and not Segoe. I’d say -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",sans-serif; will get the desire seamless look you’re already getting in Mac with SF.

Here’s a screenshot of how it looks on Windows using Segoe UI, next to a native Windows app.

Good call, thank you. I will add Segoe to the font stack.

The latest version of Minimal theme is now available:

  • Adds native fonts for Windows
  • Fixes padding issues with backlinks and search results in 0.8.4
  • Taller popover preview pane

:bowing_man:‍♂ Thanks for being so quick!

A new version of Minimal theme is available. This version improves readability of expanded search results, particularly for lists.




Minimal Theme has been updated for compatibility with 0.8.5

  • YAML front matter styling
  • Added editable variable for font used in code blocks
  • More consistency in marker position across list types (bulleted, numbered, checklists)