February 2, 2024, 10:16pm
Does anyone know how to get the dataview table style that minimal uses? It looks a lot better than the default one.
If you mean the “cards” dataview style, it’s available as a snippet to use in other themes. Be sure to use the latest version.
This snippet is 100% copied from Minimal.css .
This was inspired by this video that does most of the job but doesn’t take care of the resizing of the Cards if there are only a few of them in a table, or if you want the table to take up the max width. So I had a look at the theme code and copied out everything I thought would be useful. So far it seems it has worked, as I can now access the Minimal Cards section in Style Settings even when not using Minimal theme, so that’s a success. This part i…
February 3, 2024, 12:23pm
Thanks for your input, I saw that but I’m looking for the actual tables, not cards. Do you think it would be possible to rip the dataview tables css from the minimal css file and use it as a snippet?
May 3, 2024, 12:23pm
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