Meta - Migration Workflows

How about RemNote…?

Is there any methods to transfer data from remnote to obsidian? (with a clear explanation?)

I see non in this post :frowning:

I found this link, but can’t seem to work it out by myself…

I’ve also posted remnote related question in a separate post, but it’s only been a few hours. Hope I can receive help from this post!!

Thanks in Advance~

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The migration flow above from standardnotes to Obsidian didn’t work for me.
So I’ve wrote simple python script, that migrates notes and tags structure.


import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path

import os

def _parse_args():
    description = """Migrates standardnotes unencrypted backupfile to the obsidian compatible, markdown tree folder structure.
If tags are enabled - convert tags to front matter yaml notation.
First tag found on the note - converted to note folder, preserving tag structure in the file system.
    argument_parser = ArgumentParser(description=description)

    argument_parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='Output folder. Defaults to input folder', default=None)
    argument_parser.add_argument('--skip-tags', dest='skip_tags', action='store_true', help='Ignores tags.', default=False)
    argument_parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='Standardnotes backup folder')

    args = argument_parser.parse_args()

    return args

def prepare_notes_content(items, root_folder):
    notes = {}
    for item in items:
        if item['content_type'] != 'Note':

        content = item['content']['text']
        for clean_rich_text_words in [
            '<p dir="auto">',
            content = content.replace(clean_rich_text_words, "")

        notes[item['uuid']] = {
            'title': item['content']['title'],
            'content': content,
            "tags": [],
            "folder": ""
    return notes

def _prepare_tags_parents(tag_folder):
    tag_parents = {}

    for tag_file in tag_folder.glob("*.txt"):
        with open(tag_file, "r") as f:
            tag_data = json.load(f)

        tag_uuid ="Tag-", "").replace(".txt", "")
        tag_parents[tag_uuid] = {
            "parent": None,
            "title": tag_data['title']
        for reference in tag_data['references']:
            if reference['content_type'] != "Tag":

            parent_uuid = reference['uuid'].split("-")[0]
            tag_parents[tag_uuid]['parent'] = parent_uuid

    return tag_parents

def prepare_tags(backup_folder, notes):
    tag_folder = Path(backup_folder) / "Items" / "Tag"

    if not os.path.isdir(tag_folder):

    tag_parents = _prepare_tags_parents(tag_folder)

    for tag_file in tag_folder.glob("*.txt"):
        with open(tag_file, "r") as f:
            tag_data = json.load(f)

        references = tag_data['references']
        for reference in references:
            if reference['content_type'] != 'Note':
                item = notes[reference['uuid']]
            except KeyError:
                print(f'Wrong tag reference: missing uuid {reference["uuid"]}')

            tag_uuid ="Tag-", "").replace(".txt", "")
            current_tag = tag_parents[tag_uuid]

            folder = current_tag['title']

            while current_tag['parent']:
                current_tag = tag_parents[current_tag['parent']]
                folder = f"{current_tag['title']}/{folder}"

            if not item['folder']:
                item['folder'] = folder


def write_output(output, notes):
    output_destination = Path(output) / "markdown_migration"

    for item in notes.values():
        create_folder(output_destination / item['folder'])
        file_name = (output_destination / item['folder'] / item['title'].replace(
            " ", "_"
            ).replace("/", "_")).with_suffix('.md')

        with open(file_name, "w") as f:
            if item['tags']:
                for tag in item['tags']:
                    f.write(f"  - {tag}\n")


    print(f"Output written to f{output_destination}")

def create_folder(folder):
    if os.path.isdir(folder):
    except Exception:

def main(backup_folder, output=None, skip_tags=False):
    if output is None:
        output = backup_folder

    with open(Path(backup_folder) / "Standard Notes Backup and Import File.txt", "r") as f:
        backup = json.load(f)

    items = backup['items']
    notes = prepare_notes_content(items, output)

    if not skip_tags:
        prepare_tags(backup_folder, notes)

    write_output(output, notes)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = _parse_args()
    main(args.input, output=args.output, skip_tags=args.skip_tags)

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Hey Korvyashka, sorry for the late reply.

Just to clarify, do I just need to download that file and run it in terminal with the same directory to convert all my remnote files into obsidian??


Just found your question.
It is using backup folder from standardnotes as input - so firstly save a backup folder somewhere - then pass it as input to the script.

updates to the evernote - obsidian migration:

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parse notes from Diaro to markdown.

Exporting notes from diaro to .txt creates one long .txt file where notes are separated by ----------------------------------------- and Tags are included as Tags: <tag1>, <tag2>

I have created some simple python scripts that will help parsing the txt file into individual markdown files and modify the tags. E.g I had a bunch of notes relating to the corona pandemic I wanted to aggregate using dataview. The notes only had a Tag(Diaro tagged) and a title. I created a script that will search my notes for ones tagged with Corona by diaro. then create a dataview inline tag summary:: with the title of the note

Use at your own risk!!

import re
import os
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

def parse_big_file():
    with open('entryExport.txt', 'rt') as fo:
        counter = 0
        pattern = re.compile(r'----+')  # this is the regex pattern
        for group in re.split(pattern,
            # the re.split function used in the loop splits text by the pattern
            with open("parsed/"+str(counter)+'.txt','a+') as opf:
                if counter > 0: #fixing the header for the firs entry
                    group = group[2:]
            counter += 1

def rename_files_in_dir(dir):

    for filename in os.listdir(dir):
        with open(f"./parsed/{filename}") as openfile:
            firstline = openfile.readline()
            #08 July 2022, Friday 04:16 PM
            uuid_long = uuid.uuid4()
            date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(firstline.strip(), '%d %B %Y, %A %H:%M %p')
            fname = str(date_time_obj.year)+'-'+str(date_time_obj.month)+'-'+str([0:6]
        os.rename(f"./parsed/{filename}", f"./renamed/{str(date_time_obj)}".replace(":","")+'.md')

if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
from glob import glob
all_md_files = [f for f in glob("daily\**", recursive = True) if os.path.isfile(f)]
substring1 = "hvad::"
substring2 = "Corona"
for filename in all_md_files:
    with open(filename, 'r+', encoding='cp437') as fp:
        lines = fp.readlines()
        if any([(l.find(substring1) and l.find(substring2)) for l  in lines]):
            if not any([(l.find("summary::")) for l  in lines]):
                fp.write(f"summary:: {lines[2][1:]}")


I didn’t find Craft in this Thread so I’ll add a link to a post from myself to migrate from Craft to Obsidian:
Migrating Notes from Craft to Obsidian

Hope this is helpful for some of you :blush:


Hi! I didn’t see any entry for Logseq here - I wrote a rough script to help me migrate my Logseq graph to an Obsidian vault. It’s over at GitHub - NishantTharani/LogSeqToObsidian: Some tools to help move my notes from LogSeq to Obsidian . It worked alright for me, hopefully someone finds it useful

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Wrote a script for migrating from!

Handles timestamp metadata and links (where possible).

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Another for Apple Notes, based on the Exporter app.

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