parse notes from Diaro to markdown.
Exporting notes from diaro to .txt creates one long .txt file where notes are separated by -----------------------------------------
and Tags are included as Tags: <tag1>, <tag2>
I have created some simple python scripts that will help parsing the txt file into individual markdown files and modify the tags. E.g I had a bunch of notes relating to the corona pandemic I wanted to aggregate using dataview. The notes only had a Tag(Diaro tagged) and a title. I created a script that will search my notes for ones tagged with Corona
by diaro. then create a dataview inline tag summary::
with the title of the note
Use at your own risk!!
import re
import os
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
def parse_big_file():
with open('entryExport.txt', 'rt') as fo:
counter = 0
pattern = re.compile(r'----+') # this is the regex pattern
for group in re.split(pattern,
# the re.split function used in the loop splits text by the pattern
with open("parsed/"+str(counter)+'.txt','a+') as opf:
if counter > 0: #fixing the header for the firs entry
group = group[2:]
counter += 1
def rename_files_in_dir(dir):
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
with open(f"./parsed/{filename}") as openfile:
firstline = openfile.readline()
#08 July 2022, Friday 04:16 PM
uuid_long = uuid.uuid4()
date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(firstline.strip(), '%d %B %Y, %A %H:%M %p')
fname = str(date_time_obj.year)+'-'+str(date_time_obj.month)+'-'+str([0:6]
os.rename(f"./parsed/{filename}", f"./renamed/{str(date_time_obj)}".replace(":","")+'.md')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
from glob import glob
all_md_files = [f for f in glob("daily\**", recursive = True) if os.path.isfile(f)]
substring1 = "hvad::"
substring2 = "Corona"
for filename in all_md_files:
with open(filename, 'r+', encoding='cp437') as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
if any([(l.find(substring1) and l.find(substring2)) for l in lines]):
if not any([(l.find("summary::")) for l in lines]):
fp.write(f"summary:: {lines[2][1:]}")