Meta - Migration Workflows


This topic may be of interest


  • Migration from Note-Station
  • Markdown migrations
    • Convert between different types of Markdown
  • HTML to Markdown conversion
  • Markdown to HTML

Uses pandoc for part of the conversion but also handles the parts of files pandoc does not convert through some pre and post processing of files.

Hope it’s of help to somebody.

Latest update 1.6.0 adds features to help identify and trouble shoot issues in the note sets and allows more flexibility over file locations

version 1.6.0 additional options allow you to

  • change absolute links to images and attachment so relative paths
  • Choose any folder as the source
  • Choose any folder as an export location
  • Generates a conversion report that warns of issues with file links in the note sets. This helps you identify notes that may not be fully converted.
  • Management of orphan files - orphan files are images/documents that are in the source folders but were not linked in any notes. This helps clean out old data or identity items that should be linked but are not.

Sections of the conversion report may include the following:

  • Invalid links
    • links in the notes that are not recognised as being valid
  • Orphan files
    • list of orphan files that were not linked to in any of the notes
  • Missing attachments
    • list of images of attachments such as pdf’s that were linked to but the files themselves could not be located
  • List of attachments that are using absolute links
  • For NSX conversion
    • List of note pages where the attachments’ data key was set to null in the export. This is an issue with the note station export into the nsx file not being complete. Can be seen where there are synchronisation issues between the web and desktop versions.
    • List of note pages that were encrypted and could not be converted
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