Main obsidian vault will not open. No error message, just nothing happens

system details

  • windows 11
  • obsidian version 1.7.7
  • vault size ~600mb . 30k notes and a lot of links

What I’m trying to do

Open my obsidian vault. It is large. Just a few plugins. Dataview, omnivore, readwise, and a custom one I created. I haven’t made any plugin or configuration changes recently. Stopped working yesterday 1-27.

Things I have tried

  • Restarted my computer
  • Was able to open a sandbox vault and other small vaults.
  • same vault still works on android

deleted obsidian plugins from the .obsidian folder with the exception of my custom one and removed them from community-plugins.json and it started up. will add back the plugins and see if the problem re-emerges or not

How did you go Corey?

Plugins are usually the cause, would start there. If still no good try a fresh Obsidian install without your plugins and just your files and folders.

This video can also provide some tips

It hasn’t come back after re-adding plugins so unclear why it happened in the first place.

Have you got any previous backups?

What happens if you reinstall obsidian with no notes?

If it opens, try gradually adding portions of your vault back in.

try this: