Live Reloading of Graph settings is broken // Groups and colors not synchronized between devices

Steps to reproduce

Pay an account allowing to be syncronized between multiple support ( i have pc windows and an iphone with app). Create several nodes (on pc for instance) class them in different folders, then lets attribute groups based on path and set color for nodes.

But every time the groups and color disapear on the other device and are not synchronized.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y]

None of what i have done worked, even trying to resync manually or disconect reconnect, nor uninstalling and re installing the app worked

Expected result

See the same color and groups than on the other device

Actual result


Additional information

this seems to be the same behavior than

Even if it s a simple thing to have sync colours, It s very annoying when we have lot of nodes to handles

thanks. it seems that live reloading of the updated graph settings is broken.

If you let obsidian sync, then close and reopen obsidian, you will see the new settings applied.