List of available icons for component setIcon

Hi all,

is possible to have a list of available icons to use? In order to use, for example, as buttons setIcon parameter.

Just need a basic set of icons like “add”, “remove”, “edit” and some other basic icons. Is quite annoying to re-create every icons in SVG using addIcon or stole it from the inspector and copy/past in the plugin code.

My current workaround is using setButtonText passing an Unicode characters code, but I want to be more consistent with the application UI.

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I have this same question. The sample plugin shows dice as an option, but what else is there? I can’t determine what icon library is used (if any).

Looks like it lives in this GitHub issue, haha:

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In case that ever gets deleted, here is the list provided there:

- 'logo-crystal'
- 'create-new'
- 'trash'
- 'search'
- 'right-triangle'
- 'document'
- 'folder'
- 'pencil'
- 'left-arrow'
- 'right-arrow'
- 'three-horizontal-bars'
- 'dot-network'
- 'audio-file'
- 'image-file'
- 'pdf-file'
- 'gear'
- 'documents'
- 'blocks'
- 'go-to-file'
- 'presentation'
- 'cross-in-box'
- 'microphone'
- 'microphone-filled'
- 'two-columns'
- 'link'
- 'popup-open'
- 'checkmark'
- 'hashtag'
- 'left-arrow-with-tail'
- 'right-arrow-with-tail'
- 'lines-of-text'
- 'vertical-three-dots'
- 'pin'
- 'magnifying-glass'
- 'info'
- 'horizontal-split'
- 'vertical-split'
- 'calendar-with-checkmark'
- 'sheets-in-box'
- 'up-and-down-arrows'
- 'broken-link'
- 'cross'
- 'any-key'
- 'reset'
- 'star'
- 'crossed-star'
- 'dice'
- 'filled-pin'
- 'enter'
- 'help'
- 'vault'
- 'open-vault'
- 'paper-plane'
- 'bullet-list'
- 'uppercase-lowercase-a'
- 'star-list'
- 'expand-vertically'
- 'languages'
- 'switch'
- 'pane-layout'
- 'install'

New list (from 2021.04.11, user SV on Discord):

- "any-key"
- "audio-file"
- "blocks"
- "bold-glyph"
- "bracket-glyph"
- "broken-link"
- "bullet-list"
- "bullet-list-glyph"
- "calendar-with-checkmark"
- "check-in-circle"
- "check-small"
- "checkbox-glyph"
- "checkmark"
- "clock"
- "cloud"
- "code-glyph"
- "create-new"
- "cross"
- "cross-in-box"
- "crossed-star"
- "csv"
- "deleteColumn"
- "deleteRow"
- "dice"
- "document"
- "documents"
- "dot-network"
- "double-down-arrow-glyph"
- "double-up-arrow-glyph"
- "down-arrow-with-tail"
- "down-chevron-glyph"
- "enter"
- "exit-fullscreen"
- "expand-vertically"
- "filled-pin"
- "folder"
- "formula"
- "forward-arrow"
- "fullscreen"
- "gear"
- "go-to-file"
- "hashtag"
- "heading-glyph"
- "help"
- "highlight-glyph"
- "horizontal-split"
- "image-file"
- "image-glyph"
- "indent-glyph"
- "info"
- "insertColumn"
- "insertRow"
- "install"
- "italic-glyph"
- "keyboard-glyph"
- "languages"
- "left-arrow"
- "left-arrow-with-tail"
- "left-chevron-glyph"
- "lines-of-text"
- "link"
- "link-glyph"
- "logo-crystal"
- "magnifying-glass"
- "microphone"
- "microphone-filled"
- "minus-with-circle"
- "moveColumnLeft"
- "moveColumnRight"
- "moveRowDown"
- "moveRowUp"
- "note-glyph"
- "number-list-glyph"
- "open-vault"
- "pane-layout"
- "paper-plane"
- "paused"
- "pdf-file"
- "pencil"
- "percent-sign-glyph"
- "pin"
- "plus-with-circle"
- "popup-open"
- "presentation"
- "price-tag-glyph"
- "quote-glyph"
- "redo-glyph"
- "reset"
- "right-arrow"
- "right-arrow-with-tail"
- "right-chevron-glyph"
- "right-triangle"
- "run-command"
- "search"
- "sheets-in-box"
- "sortAsc"
- "sortDesc"
- "spreadsheet"
- "stacked-levels"
- "star"
- "star-list"
- "strikethrough-glyph"
- "switch"
- "sync"
- "sync-small"
- "tag-glyph"
- "three-horizontal-bars"
- "trash"
- "undo-glyph"
- "unindent-glyph"
- "up-and-down-arrows"
- "up-arrow-with-tail"
- "up-chevron-glyph"
- "uppercase-lowercase-a"
- "vault"
- "vertical-split"
- "vertical-three-dots"
- "wrench-screwdriver-glyph"

Somewhat related:


I made an image from your second list. I don’t know if the list is up-to-date or not.

Edit: Damn, the image is not shown in full height. Click the image to open it slightly bigger, then click again to open it in a reasonable size. :slightly_frowning_face:

Edit 2: And now I noticed the image does not have all icons. camelCase icons are missing and some others too.


Lucide icons

I think it would be good to update this discussion by mentioning that since Obsidian 0.13.27, Lucide icons have been added to the available icons.

@phibr0 has made a list containing the new icons: Discord

What I’d like to do, is to compile a list of all the icons from @phibr0’s list and put it here in this topic. The list would contain icon names as text and the actual icon image - as either an <svg> element or just an ordinary image, whichever is better supported by the forum. I know Lucide icons can be seen in, but I think not all of the icons listed there work in Obsidian. Also, Obsidian still has the old icons available, too, in addition to the Lucide set. My previous post contains an image of the older icons, but a single big image is not so easy to read, and the text names cannot be copied.

I might make the list at some point, unless there is someone quicker than me. :slightly_smiling_face:


This will change soon in the next major feature release. We will provide an API to get all icons available in the app as well.


It would be nice if the list was included in the obsidian.d.ts file as a union type e.g. type Icons = 'save' | 'delete'... and then use that as the type for addRibbonIcon and such.


Did this actually happen? I didn’t notice it in the latest API changes.

Edit 2024-07-29: Yes, it happened a long time ago. There’s a function named getIconIds().


I wrote a script to list all available icons: