Learning More about Zettelkasten

Zettelkasten More Broadly

Here are some resources that I’ve collected and found helpful for learning about the Zettelkasten

Who is this Luhmann Fellow?

While not the first to create a “note/slip box”, his collection has become a university research project. He was a very prolific writer, so it helps to pull out what insights you can (if any) from his success and build upon it. If you are curious and want to learn more, here are some resources

If there are any other resources you have found helpful, let me know and I will add them to this list


While Shu Omi’s videos are very Roam Research-oriented, they’re still a big part of where I get my methodology from. I recommend his channel!


Yeah, I like his videos too. They are relatively short but he somehow makes his point in every video.