Keep colorful headings when they are links

What I’m trying to do

Hi :slight_smile: As stated from the title I would like that the heading would keep the color even when they are links like this: # [[Link| My title]]
In fact, I have a .css snippet that colors the headers but if the headers are link they don’t get colored.

Things I have tried

I found This Discussion which has my same problem but the provided code doesn’t work for me.

I use the Default theme.

Thank you

# h1 heading [[link in heading]] 
## h2 heading [[link in heading]] 
### h3 heading [[link in heading]] 
#### h4 heading [[link in heading]] 
##### h5 heading [[link in heading]] 
###### h6 heading [[link in heading]] 

How are you coloring your links now? Assuming it’s something like:

body {
    --inline-title-color: var(--h1-color);
    --h1-color: var(--color-red);
    --h2-color: var(--color-orange);
    --h3-color: var(--color-yellow);
    --h4-color: var(--color-green);
    --h5-color: var(--color-blue);
    --h6-color: var(--color-purple);

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You could try adding this to have the link colors inherit the heading colors:

/* [[links]] in headings the same color as heading */, .cm-link) {
    color: inherit;

.markdown-rendered :is(h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) a.internal-link, 
.HyperMD-header .cm-hmd-internal-link  .cm-underline {
    color: inherit; 

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Thank you very much it works perfectly!!