Kanban Plugin

Now sure what’s going on here. I wasn’t able to reproduce this, but I added some checks that should prevent this error regardless. Try updating and see if it works for you.

Unfortunately, this is currently not possible. In the future, it should be possible to accomplish this using dataview queries in a kanban board.

Thanks, Any have no idea about dataview plugin, yet to explore.
If you can provide some solution based on dataview, it will be helpful.

@mgmeyers when I use Fullscreen mode plugin on a Kanban page, as I try to drag and drop cards or lists they disappear and only reappear when I drop them, they shift the other lists to replace them for example, it is just that they are invisible. not sure which plugin I should report this issue because it is a compatibility issue. But IMO a full screen mode is a good option for this plugin.

Is there a place for showcase of kanban workflows and tricks? I am trying to automate my workflow with links and tags quickadd plugin and kanban etc but i can’t figure out a solution to automate it. A place to share workflows would be very helpful for new people like me


P.S. I also can’t show check lists inside the cards like you did in the github page. it works for bullet points

how i want it like github page of Kanban:


how it is for me right now:


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Is there a clone function in this plugin? I just lost some of my todays work because unintentionally made two different kanban notes to sync. that was awful. not recovered from it completely :frowning: . don’t want to happen to me again.

Hey, nice plugin!
I will use it for the organization of my podcast projects.

Is there a bug in it? When I set up a template for creating a new note from a card, the new note is empty (no template is shown in it). And after that procedure, a new list is made, although I didn’t’t want it.

thanks, Christian

+1 for the great work on the plugin. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some custom CSS? I’m running Minimal Theme + Kanban.

I would like to change the background color of the cards. I have most of it, but there is a border around the cards I cannot figure out (not the list border). I’ve modified every section in the Minimal CSS and even the styles.css (for plugin), but it still reverts to background-primary of the theme. Also it is applying to the list title. Any ideas?

Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 9.16.27 AM

Currently using body .kanban-plugin__markdown-preview-view for the red background shown.

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Try this:

div.kanban-plugin__item-wrapper div {background: red;}

It’s the descendant combinator; it’ll style every div with the specified ancestor.

Rgds - Jerome

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That worked, thanks!

If anyone is interested, here is a snippet to facelift dark mode Kanban boards on Minimal Theme. Mimics some other boards out there, and looks really slick (IMO). The ability to link Kanban cards to notes and have images is a game changer.

/* Optional - change text size-weight-font-color - looks best at ~17px theme text */
body .kanban-plugin__markdown-preview-view {
  font-size: 1.05em;
  font-weight: 250;
  color: rgb(223, 222, 222);

/* Canvas background color */
body .kanban-plugin {

/* Button background color */
div.kanban-plugin__item-wrapper div {background: rgb(41,41,41);}

/* Button padding */
body .kanban-plugin__item-content-wrapper {
	padding: 6px;

/* Space between cards, box shadow, and border */
body .kanban-plugin__item { 
	margin-top: 6px;
	box-shadow: 2px 6px 3px 0px #191919;
	border:1px solid rgb(62,62,62);

/* Remove border around list and make transparent */
body .kanban-plugin__lane-items {
  border: none;
  background-color: transparent;

/* Reduce indent of checkboxes */
body .kanban-plugin__item-markdown ul {
  margin-left: -12%;

/* Old / current / overdue Colors */

/* past */
.kanban-plugin__item.is-past .kanban-plugin__item-metadata-date-relative {
  color: rgb(188,84,76);

/* today */
.kanban-plugin__item.is-today .kanban-plugin__item-metadata-date-relative {
  color: rgb(36,183,75);

/* future */
.kanban-plugin__item.is-future .kanban-plugin__item-metadata-date-relative {
  color: rgb(255,153,21);

Really loving this plugin! Will future automation allow for reoccurring cards? For example, if I add a new card and specify that it reoccurs weekly, then once I complete it a new one will appear in a chosen column?


yes a autogenerating code for tasks can work very well with this plugin. I wonder if another plugin can do that. the only one i know is daily planner which I can’t make it work first time i tried and i think not getting updated any longer.

Perhaps Tasks might? I use it and Kanban but not together.

I use Drafts app for capturing - is there any possible way to code a drafts action to append text “under a heading” so I can add directly to my Kanban obsidian inbox?

Edit what about using with GitHub - Vinzent03/obsidian-advanced-uri: Advanced modes for Obsidian URI?

Yes, this is in the near-future plans!


This should be doable sometime in the next few months. I’m currently working on a public-facing API for the kanban plugin that will allow other apps and plugins to manipulate kanban boards.


Fantastic - very grateful

Hi great plug-in!

Is it possible to have a [[note]] automatically entered into a default column on a Kanban board by, say, just dragging that note into the default note folder for that board?

For example, I have a board called clients, where each card title is a [[note]] representing that client. I would like to create new clients on the fly, knowing that once I drag the [[client note]] into the “clients” folder, the card is automatically created on the clients board and linked to [[client note]].

Is this possible?

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Not at the moment, no, but support for things like this is on the roadmap

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Fantastic plugin, thank you! I use Kanban for writing and each task is a paragraph in my draft (see pic).

How difficult would it be to offer an option to compile from Kanban?

In Markdown, a board it is basically a list of tasks with headings. How difficult would it be to replace all task code with ![[…]] for all linked notes and then compile the text from all linked notes into one markdown file using the Kanban structure as the table of contents?



Hello I have a question… How can/Can I hide or omit certain headers from being parsed as lanes?
My intent is to do all the project from the kanban card project. Say I have Objectives, Contacts, Meetings & Events and Tasks under Project A. Under Tasks, I have my lanes; Backlog, Next, Active & Done
Is there a way to omit or hide the Objectives, Contacts & Meetings & Events headers/lanes?