JPR: list of my books

Hello! I’m French.
I’d like to follow the example above:
I can’t install a second book under the first book…how do I set the syntax? Thank you for your reply.

(“![cover|80](” + cover + “)”) as Cover,
link AS Title,
author AS “Author”,
datelecture AS “Date read”,
rating AS “Rating”

type :: #Books
link :: [[B-appr-a-tradu-cahi_www_livrebank.pdf|Learn to translate]]
author :: [[Valentine Watson Rodger]]
dateread :: 2023-08-24
topics ::
rating :: XXXXX
cover ::

would be better suited for the ‘help’ category.


Moved from Share & Showcase to Help (and added “dataview” tag).

Sample files in the zip attached: (2.2 KB)

Should load as in the image below:

1 Like

Thank you for your reply and your ZIP.
I can’t do it. If I understand correctly, I need to insert several METAs depending on the book I want to appear.
I’m sending you my syntax for correction. If you could send me yours.
Thank you for your help.
I also can’t figure out how to insert the book cover and where to find it.

("![cover|80](" + cover + ")") as Cover,
link AS Title,
author AS "Author",
dateread AS "Date Read",
rating AS "Rating"
WHERE type = "Books"

type :: #Books
lien :: [[B-appr-a-tradu-cahi_www_livrebank.pdf|Apprendre à traduire]]
author :: Valentine Watson Rodger
datelecture :: 2023-08-24
rating :: :star::star::star::star:
cover :: [[couverture du livre.JPG]]. (

type :: #Books
titre :: Parler anglais en 5 minutes par jour
author :: [[ Julie Frédérique]]
dateread :: 2023-08-24
link :: Parler anglais en 5 minutes par jour[[B- Parler anglais en 5 minutes par jour]]
rating :: :star::star::star::star:
cover ::

-type :: #Books
Titre :: Scientific and Technical Translation
author :: Maeve OLOHAN
dateread : : 2023-08-27
link :: [Scientific and technical Translation].( Scientific and Technical Translation - Google Books )
rating :: :star::star:
cover ::[[[0. Inbox/Scientific and Technical Translation|Scientific and Technical Translation]] .( )

In your last Metadata you have a space between the colons dateread: :
I don’t use double colons in my frontmatter, but I just tested it and the space seems to break it.
Also in your last example you have three open square brackets cover::[[[

Could you send a screenshot of your note?
Because frontmatter generally needs to be framed by ---, e.g.


I see in that example that there is a # title before the first --- but I can’t get that to work.

Maybe try removing the stuff before the actual metadata.

And finally, I’m not sure if I’m understanding your original post, but you have to have each of these books in their own note. I don’t think it works if you have multiple metadata blocks in one note, but that might be wrong. Either way, I find it easier to have each book have their own note.

Maybe you could try that?
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Edit: I just remembered I uploaded a sample book vault a while ago. If you’re unfamiliar with Github, it might be easier to download it and look at it in Obsidian, but you can also look at it online. It could just give you an idea of what is possible.

  1. The metadata needs to be formatted correctly and be consistent in terms of the key names.
  2. For metadata you can either use a YAML header or inline metadata (as in your sample files).
  3. The query terms must match the metadata keys.
  4. Each book has to be in a separate file.
  5. The images are pulled live from the internet. Google Books or Amazon are useful resources.

Sample folder attached. Should look like the image below. (3.2 KB)

OK…thank you for your answers. I’m making slow progress…but now I’ve ended up with 12 books…and yet I’ve copied in extenso the Dataview and METAS that you kindly sent me.


("![cover|80](" + cover + ")") as Cover,
lien AS Title,
author AS "Author",
dateread AS "Date Read",
rating AS "Rating"
WHERE type = "#Books"
1 Like

So it’s working now or are you still having trouble?

1 Like

I have always problem. Now, I’ve twelve books in repetition.

Here my complet template:```dataview
(“![cover|80](” + cover + “)”) as Cover,
lien AS Title,
author AS “Author”,
dateread AS “Date Read”,
rating AS “Rating”
WHERE type = “#Books

- type:: #Books
- titre:: Parler anglais en 5 minutes par jour
- lien:: [[Parler anglais en 5 minutes par jour]]
- author:: [[Julie Frédérique]]
- dateread:: 2023-08-24
- rating:: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- cover::,350_QL50_.jpg
- link:: [[obsidian://open?vault=CULTURE_15082023&file=0.%20Inbox%2FB-LISTE%20DE%20MES%20LIVRES%20D'ANGLAIS_24082023%2FB-Parler_anglais_en_5_minutes_par_jour__c_est_malin.pdf|Parler anglais en 5 minutes par jour]]

- type:: #Books
- titre:: Scientific and Technical Translation
- lien:: [[Scientific and technical Translation]]
- author:: Maeve Olohan
- dateread:: 2023-08-27
- rating:: ⭐️⭐️
- cover::
- link:: [[sans PDF|{{title}}]

- type:: #Books  
- titre:: Apprendre à traduire
- lien:: [[B-appr-a-tradu-cahi_www_livrebank.pdf|Apprendre à traduire]]  
- author:: [[Valentine Watson Rodger]]  
- dateread:: 2023-08-24  
- rating:: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- cover::
- link:: [[B-appr-a-tradu-cahi_www_livrebank.pdf|Apprendre à traduire]]