Does anyone know if there is a way to get text from Obsidian into Things? If I put a todo in Obsidian (I.e., using [ ] ) I’d like to select that bullet and press a hotkey to open a new to-do with that text prepopulated. Does anyone know how to do this?
I have the Alfred Powerpack if that helps to accomplish this.
Should you want to try anyways, I can upload the file so you could import it yourself. Those red blocks are the ones that should be replaced by your own data. The rest will work just fine.
I am perfectly fine with simply documenting all the achieved things (pun intended) in my vault. Keeping all active tasks in Things is most frictionless for me, since for delegation and prioritizing Things is the perfect environment for me.
You can delete them in Your Things logbook. As simple as marking and back-delete button (upper rightmost). Not sure your intention is to erase your Things backlog?
To no longer have them sync over is not possible, I think it’s all or nothing with this implementation.
Personally, I’d only want the logbook from Things go into Obsidian going forward from today. I guess I’ll have to look for a way to delete the logbook entirely. But I’d still like the ability to transfer a to-do from Obsidian to Things with a hotkey. Just would make it easier to move them over.
The quick entry window is your friend and only one shortcut away. I would refrain from having open tasks in Obsidian if you’re using a dedicated task manager.
I’m actually looking in to creating a plugin to this. What I want to accomplish is to put all my ToDo’s from Obsidian in to Things3 (one inbox principle). I want to put the todo in Obsidian as the title of the todo in Things3 and have the task note contain a link to the note. Not a lot of luck on the Api documentation yet but i’ll have a look at the code of 'Things Logbook for Obsidian"
@UserOfZTTL That would be PERFECT. I like being able to quickly mark something as a to do when typing in Obsidian but I really want to process it in Things. Please please post here to let me know when you are able to get it working.
I’ll eagerly be watching this too - I have been capturing meeting notes in an Obsidian note on iPad while on a Zoom call, want to quickly be able to send the tasks from meeting to Things with some way to link back to the note for context.