Index card view

I think index card view (corkboard-note taking(like in scrivener or google-keep)) could be vary useful. obsidian for me (that I want it for taking atomic notes) still is not very handy, I just keeping forget my last notes. I used google-keep for 2 years and I’m here for find links between my notes; but now I can’t make new of them.


I’d second this.
Also to have the threading feature of the Corkboard (but more flexible).
One option to use links as entered already.
Second option to be able to create links by moving them with mouse.


Putting this here in case it’s useful. @roberthaisfield posted this screenshot on Twitter. The workspace is packed. Would be cool to be able to zoom in and out but also to do a mode switch to a scrivener-like view where the window displays only the note title but you’re still able to swap and move windows around + store it as a workspace.

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A idea is the Obsidian with plugin Workspaces, have a feature that define a default workspace to be loaded when the app is started.

The Folder Note plugin has the ability to create a rudimentary corkboard view for the notes in a given folder (at least in Preview mode), but I don’t know if it offers all the features you’re looking for.


Has anyone tried using a Kanban board (the Kanban plugin) as a Scrivener-like corkboard for structuring a piece of writing? I understand that it’s not created for writing but for project management, but it does allow to move cards around, and link to other notes. I will check out the Folder Notes plugin but I prefer to work with tags and starred searches by tag rather than manual folders. Thank you!

Edit: This post discusses relevant approaches: Kanban Plugin - #82 by sofortlos