Include nested content when swapping or moving FOLDED sections

As of build v0.7.4 swapping lines up and down is available as a Ctrl-P or hotkey function.

It would be very useful and convenient if this feature respected folded content as a single entity. If a section is folded and I swap the section up or down a line, everything in the fold should move with it.

Recognizing the fold state like this would allow users to easily organize larger sections of their work without losing any of the granular line shifting ability that we have when working with unfolded content. Used in combination with the other new shortcut, toggling the fold, a powerful and efficient organization workflow emerges.

As a side comment, shifting folded content as the feature currently works feels buggy because it’s acting on content we can’t see. It’s a little disconcerting.


+1 This would go a long way to making Obsidian a full outliner


Related feature requests:

Finally! A reasonable workaround to address this

v0.13.5 Shiny new things - You can now use drag and drop to re-arrange heading sections from the Outline pane. - You can also drop an outline item into the editor to generate a heading link.

It’s not quite the same as hotkeys for arranging sections while immersed in writing, but it’s such welcome addition! Probably good enough for most of our needs.