Images not showing up when pasted

Things I have tried

When I post an image into obsidian, in preview mode instead of showing the image, it shows this instead.

What I’m trying to do

I am writing notes for chem and it is important that I am able to insert graphs and drawings. Thanks in advance.


Before any suggestion, can you show the format in edit mode?

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Sure. This is what it looks like in edit mode. It is what automatically appears after copying and pasting an image in.

The format is correct.
When you paste images, they go to your vault as new files. Do you find them in your vault? Can you open them?
Can you go to Settings > Files & Links and show what’s in your definitions?

These are my Files and Links settings:

When I paste a link, it does appear in the vault as a new file, as shown in the bottom left of this screenshot:

When I click on the file, however, the same issue arises:

Very strange.

Go to your (computer) file explorer system and find the image in your vault folder (where you place your vault in your computer system).

There try open/preview your image.

If image ok, back to Obsidian and try two things:

1 - open the help vault and place an image there;

2 - if everything works normally in help vault, return to your vault and check every extra: change theme to default; disable plugins; disable any css snippet; etc.

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Awesome thanks. I tried it out in the help vault and it worked, which means I must have done something weird with the settings on my vault by accident. I just started using obsidian today, so I found it easier to just make a new vault and copy and paste everything rather than trying to find the setting. I really appreciate your help.


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